9| The Girl With Daddy Issues

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After spending two hours rearranging all the shelves of the store, both Maya and Travis slid against a free wall due to exhaustion.

"Your father should give me a raise." Travis said, gulping a huge amount of water down his throat.

"At least you are getting money in exchange of work." She complained in response.

They both kept staring at the snack counter, trying to catch their breath because soon, Cody will be back from the bank and they would have to return to their respective counters.

"Can you believe it? We are seniors. In a year, we will leave for college." Maya said and laced her fingers with Travis' long ones.

"Yeah, our friendship had a nice run. Don't expect me to return your calls once I am in Harvard." Travis chuckled in return and gazed at their linked hands.

"Don't worry. I'll be outside your dorm every weekend." Maya laughed but Travis knew nothing can be said sure about her. She might actually come every weekend to meet him if she makes up her mind to do so.

When they heard the sound of door, they both rushed to their respective counters but confusion filled their mind when they found Mario entering inside. He was usually with his father at the Garage at this time.

"Are you here to buy something?" Maya asked.

"No, I am here to ask Cody to let you both go with me." Mario smirked and looked around to find Maya's father.

"Dad isn't here yet. Besides, where are we going?" Maya asked.

"Don't you remember? There is a party at the quarterback's house. And he has invited all of us." Mario said in excitement and both Maya and Travis exchanged a look. Parties weren't exactly their cup of tea when they can enjoy much more by eating greasy cheeseburgers and having a Star Wars marathon.

"Can't you go alone?" Travis interjected.

"No, man. You know my Dad won't let me go if you both aren't going." He whined. It was true, Mr. Giovanni knew his son very well and he also knew that Travis and Maya were the sane one of the trio.

"Then maybe you should stay at garage and help him." Travis suggested and earned a glare from Mario.

"Please guys, I'm not smart like you. I might not even go to college. Don't ruin senior year for me. Please." He said, more like begged.


"I'll do your homework in return." He offered and Travis chuckled in response.

"No thanks. I'd rather do it myself." He said and turned his attention back to the work. He knew having him do his homework meant he had to erase all of it and do it again.

Mario knew Travis won't be easy to persuade so he instead went to Maya and knelt in front of her. "Please, please, please Maya, help a boy out. I don't want to graduate a virgin."

"Mario, stand up. Don't be stupid." Maya said and tried to pull him up but he was heavier. "Ok. Fine, we will go. Now stand up." She admitted defeat and Mario's smile brightened.

He then turned to Travis who heaved a sigh and shrugged in response. "But you will have to wash my car tomorrow."

"Deal." Mario said.


Travis stopped his car in front of the school's football team's quarterback, Jamie's house. Mario was the first one to step out of the car in excitement. Maya followed him and then Travis parked the car at a side.

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