50| Guilt And Shame

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"And that's how we calculate X." Maya said as she finished explaining to Zachary the difficult equation. She lifted her head to look at him and found his eyes zoomed in somewhere else. She narrowed her eyes and angled her neck to look at the tanned brunette sitting few seats behind on the stairs, flashing her dazzling smile to him.

Picking up the notebook, Maya smacked Zachary's arm with it and he winced in return. "Ow."

"Stop staring at her." She said.

"I can't. She is too hot." Zachary shrugged and Maya felt annoyed all of sudden.

"What's so hot about her? She looks like every other girl here." Maya rolled her eyes and opened the notebook.

"Check her out again. You will find out why she is special." Zachary said and Maya once again angled her neck. She tried to find out what was so special about her and that's when she noticed her quite adequately sized cleavage.

"Ew. You are such a pig, Zachary. Guys should learn how to stop objectifying women. Just because she has big chest doesn't mean she is an object that you can stare. I am sure she will feel embarrassed if you tell---"

"She just winked at me." Zachary said and Maya's eyes widened even more.

"What's wrong with girls these days?" Maya huffed and stood up to leave. "Enjoy with Miss. Big boobs then."

She walked forwards and after a minute, found Zachary running behind her. "Don't get upset, Maya. I'll be focused this time. I promise."

"I am busy." Maya said, walking forwards towards the library.

She said and walked again but Zachary gripped her hand and pulled her backwards in a way that she ended up bumping against his chest. This made her scowl harder which didn't have any effect on Zachary who kept smirking at her.

"Leave my hand, Zachary. I am late for my tutoring session." She said and tried to pull her hand away but couldn't.

"Sometimes, it feels like you are jealous of all the other girls trying to get my attention." Zachary said.

"Yeah, right. I am so jealous. I want you to stare at my boobs instead." Maya joked. When Zachary's eyes lowered to her chest, she kicked his shin. "Eyes up, mister."

Zachary slowly loosened his grip on Maya's hand and tucked her unruly curly locks behind her ear. "You are something else, Maya Andrews."

A smile played on Maya's lips at this and she rolled her eyes mischievously. "I am leaving now." She said and walked forwards.

In the last few months, Maya and Zachary had become really good friends but these days, Zachary was trying to take this friendship to one step ahead; be it with his subtle flirtation or sometimes harmless actions like touching her hair or gripping her hands gently.

But Maya knew her boundaries and she knew how to ignore each of his attempt. She always acts like she doesn't notice what he does but in reality, nothing escapes her attention. And the main issue was, a part of her likes when she praises her or slip a flirty remark in their usual conversation.


Entering the store, the first thing Travis noticed was Zoey already standing inside. Seeing her brought the memories of last night, all the memories of their intimacy that caused a shiver ran down his spine. He awkwardly acknowledged her with a nod and she responded with an equally awkward smile.

"Who died?" Maya said who was observing both of their constipated faces.

"Um... Nothing... I... Um... We..."

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