45| The Struggle Within

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It was about 7 in the evening. After taking a brief nap in his house, Travis reached the hospital again. Inside his Dad's room, he found that his mother was taking a nap as well. Both of them had been awake since last night and it was only reasonable to take a break from this stress.

Without bothering to wake her up, he went to his father's bed and stared at him briefly. Underneath his rough exterior, he was still the same man who loved his family before an accident changed him seven years ago, the man who provided Travis with everything he wanted, the man who always made his mother smile with his remarks. Even in all those years, Travis couldn't hate him for his aloofness because he knew he was suffering too, maybe more than him.

"Wake up, Dad." Travis said and ran his fingers along his forehead. "Please."

When he didn't move, his lower lip trembled and he left the room before he could burst into tears at his father's condition. He went straight to the cafeteria and bought a cup of coffee. The first sip refreshed him and he sat down in a corner, watching the doctors, patients, nurses and other people pass by.

All he wanted was some normalcy in his life, to be like other students in his class. He was tired of always being the mature one, the one who has to worry about handling his father, making dinner, working for money and be responsible. At his age, other guys were busy doing drugs and making out with girls but he always had bigger things to worry about. Some days, he just wants to get out of this whirlpool of troubles and run away, as far as possible but he couldn't, because of his mother.

After finishing his coffee, he made his way back to the room and when he reached there, he found his mother standing outside. Rushing towards her, he looked inside the room where a group of doctors were gathered around his father's bed.

"What happened?" He asked, looking at his Mom's worried face.

"He woke up, gasping." Rose replied, leaning against Travis to support her trembling body.

Travis hugged his mother back and looked inside, his stomach became a nervous mess with worry. He tried to analyze the situation of inside but he couldn't figure out what was happening.

After a while, a doctor came outside. "Mrs. Anderson, your husband is now awake. You both can see him." He said and they both let out the breath they were holding.

Travis rushed inside, followed by his mother and the doctor and nurses one by one left. Travis kept staring at his father who had his usual blank expression on his face.

"How do you feel, Duncan?" His Mom asked. Instead of replying, he just responded with a slight nod. Rose exchanged a glance with Travis and sighed in frustration.

Travis walked forwards and seated himself on the chair by his bed. "How did it happen, Dad? How did you fall from your wheelchair?"

He waited for him to say something but when he didn't, Travis balled his fist in anger. "Talk to us, dammit." He groaned.

"Travis," His mother reached him and patted his shoulder. "It's okay."

"No Mom, it's not okay. He could have died for God's sake." Travis snarled, looking at his father's face.

"But he didn't." Rose said.

"Maybe I should have." They both heard Duncan mumble under his breath.


Zoey made her way inside the hospital for the second time in the day. She had her fingers tightened around the bag that contained lunch boxes. Maya told her that his father was awake now so she wanted to congratulate Travis in person on the good news.

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