51| Too Late?

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Cuddled under her blanket, Zoey was staring at the TV screen in front of her. Her mind was somewhere else and the noise from TV was just acting as a background music for her.

The sound of her phone ringing pulled her out of her thoughts. Seeing Travis' name on the mobile screen made her nervous and she contemplated whether to answer it or not. At last, she finally braced herself and answered it.

"Hi, I just wanted to ask if you are coming to store or not." He asked. Hearing his voice reminded her of what they did in the storage room. Never in her life had she craved for someone this badly. Yes, she has had her share of crazy, stupid things but sex in the storage room was not one of them.

"I called Cody last night and quit." She told him and sheer silence greeted her from the other side.

After a long pause, Travis asked, "Why?"

"I just..." She couldn't tell him the real reason, that she couldn't be in the same room as him without jumping on him. "It was a great experience but I want to focus more on senior year. It's my last year in high school and knowing my grades, I won't be getting in a college anytime soon."

"Well, if that's what you really want." He said.

"Yeah, it is." She replied.

"I should go now. Bye." He said and cut the call.

Throwing her phone away, she lay down to take some rest but a knock on the door disturbed her.

"Yes!" She groaned.

Rose entered the room with a bowl in her hand. "I brought soup."

"I am not hungry." Zoey replied in an annoyed voice.

"Miss. Zoey, I think..."

"You are not paid to think, Rose." Zoey spat.

Rose lowered her eyes to the floor and seeing her embarrassed face reminded Zoey of Travis. Guilt filled her for being rude to his mother and she whispered, "Sorry."

"It... It's okay." Rose said.

"Just put it on the table. I'll eat it." Zoey said and once again lay down on the bed.

"Okay." Rose said and left the room after placing the bowl on the table.


To feel like herself again, Zoey planned a hangout with her friends. She dressed up in the shortest dress she owned, caked her face with makeup and made her way to the mall where Olive and Althea were already waiting for her.

"Sorry I am late." Zoey said to avoid Althea's wrath.

"It's okay. At least we are hanging out now. You were too busy for us for the last few months." Althea said and they made their way to the first store.

"Yeah. Don't worry, it won't happen again." Zoey smiled and looked around to find a good pair of jeans for her.

They went from store to store, buying things they didn't need and spending money like it grew on trees. Well, Althea and Zoey did, Olive didn't like buying new clothes because she preferred wearing the same T-shirt and jeans over and over again.

"Guys, what do you think about this?" Zoey asked, showing a pair of lacy red bra. They were in the Victoria Secret store now.

"Too scandalous." Althea said. "I prefer something classy and sexy, like this one." She picked up a black satin lingerie set.

"Too bad, nobody is going to see you in it." Zoey joked.

"So what? Horny highschool boys don't deserve to see me in it anyway. I would rather wait for the right one." Althea commented and Zoey shrugged. Althea was the only one of them who was still a virgin. According to her, she was too good to be touched by highschool boys.

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