71| Tiny, Little Arguments

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It was about 10 in the evening when Travis entered the Crawford mansion and silently tiptoed towards Zoey's room, without getting caught by Richard. Although her father was okay with them dating, Travis didn't want any unnecessary interrogation about what he was doing here at night.

He looked around to check if the coast was clear and then hopped towards the stairs. He was climbing the stairs with his head towards the lounge, when suddenly a menacing cough greeted him.

Turning his head to his front, Travis heaved a sigh when he found Sam standing there, with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Thank God, it's you." Travis said.

"Why are you going into my sister's room like a thief at this time of the night?" Sam raised his eyebrows.

"I... Um..." Travis pondered if he should be afraid of this middle schooler standing in front of him. "I just needed to talk to her."

"About what?" Sam asked further.

"About our Literature exam on Wednesday." Travis lied.

"You couldn't do that over phone?" Sam interrogated.

Groaning, Travis came straight to the point and asked, "What do you want?"

"Ask Zoey to give her me old headphones. She doesn't use them anyway." The little devil shrugged.

"Fine." Travis said. "Can I go now?"

Nodding, Sam stepped away, making room for Travis to pass. Travis was walking past him when he heard him say, "No hanky panky."

"The whole family is extra." Travis muttered under his breath and scurried towards Zoey's room.

He entered inside and found Zoey sitting on her bed, reading something. When she acknowledged Travis' presence, she immediately hid whatever she was reading under her pillow.

"Hi." Travis said and moved to the bed to sit beside her.

"Hi." She smiled back but she looked a little constipated.

"What's that?" Travis pointed towards the magazine looking thing peeking out from under her pillow.

"Nothing." She said in panic. "Just some adult magazines."

"Really?" Travis assessed her face to find out why she was lying. When she didn't say anything, he pulled out the magazine from under her pillow and read the name on the cover.

Milan Fashion Institute

"What is this? Some kind of prospectus?" Travis asked in confusion.

"Yeah, Mom sent it." Zoey replied half-heartedly.

"Why?" Travis asked as he quickly glanced through the pages of the prospectus. It was mostly about fashion and clothes and others things completely out of his grasp.

"Well," Zoey played with the hem of her top as she contemplated what to say. "She wants me to join this institute for a year."

"Does she know this is in Milan?" Travis chuckled.

"She wants to move there, with her." She said and with that, Travis' eyes widened. It took him a minute to process what she had said. Milan. In Italy. For a year. Away from him.

"Um... What did you tell her?" He asked carefully.

"I refused her obviously." Zoey replied, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"You don't want to go there?" Travis asked.

"No, that's not the point. It's just I can't move to a completely different country, leaving you and everyone else behind." She responded.

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