4| Locker Room Fights

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Zoey was lying on her bed, scrolling through her Instagram feed. Rose was rearranging her closet to make some space for new clothes which was a difficult task because she had enough clothes that needed a room of their own.

"Should I keep this one in the closet?" Rose asked, showing her a yellow tube top.

"Ugh, throw it. Althea would kill me if she ever find me wearing this." Zoey said and focused her attention back to her mobile.

"And this one?" Rose showed her a golden leather pants and Zoey stifled a gag. What was she even thinking when she bought this?

"God, Rose. Put it in the pile." She said and Rose did the same.

By the end of the rearranging, Zoey had a huge pile of clothes sitting on the floor of her room. She contemplated between throwing these clothes out and giving them to charity.

"Rose, why don't you take them?" Zoey grinned at the middle-aged woman.

"What would I do with these clothes, Miss. Zoey?" Rose blushed in return. Zoey assessed her from head to toe. She must have been stunning in her youth but now, her face looked burdened under the affects of stress and poverty. She looked older than she was, with dark circles around her eyes and wrinkles on her hands.

"Do you have a daughter? Maybe she would like these outfits." Zoey suggested.

"I don't. I have a son." She replied and gathered all the clothes in a used bedsheet.

"How old is he?" Zoey asked, a little uninterested because her focus was on Althea's new upload. She was in an event hosted by a famous singer and she looked every bit as glamourous as every other celebrity in the party.

"He is nearly eighteen. He goes to your school." Rose answered and Zoey nodded absentmindedly. Her focus was on Althea sitting beside her mother, the socialite Isobel Harper. Isobel didn't look a day older than twenty five, her black hair styled with sheer perfection and a black designer gown clad around her slim figure.

"Uh-huh." Zoey said to Rose without even listening to what she was saying about her son. She couldn't be any more disinterested in that random boy but she let Rose talk.

In a way, Zoey always felt a little jealous of Althea. Her life was perfect. Beside being rich, she always had her parent's attention and love. Unlike Zoey, she didn't have to deal with a careless father and a selfish mother. She had perfect scores even though she rarely tried hard in tests. Perfection comes natural to Althea, something Zoey had to work really hard to achieve.

"Ok, enough with the small talk now. I am doing downstairs." Zoey hopped out of the bed and made her way out of the room, leaving Rose behind to clean the mess of her clothes.

Her sandals clicked on the marble floor as she made her way through the stairs. In the huge lounge just beneath the stairs, her brother Sam was sitting by his tutor Frank. This is the sixth tutor they had changed for him in the last year because apparently, teaching a middle school boy is the hardest task in the world.

"How's the studies going?" She asked Sam who looked like he was trying hard to concentrate.

"Everything else is fine. But Maths..." He sighed.

"Relatable. I suck at Maths too." She said.

"Your case is different. You don't want to be an engineer. I do." Sam said and Zoey rolled her eyes. She could never understand why her brother was hell-bent on being an engineer. She herself would never opt for a field that requires so much reasoning.

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