75| The Friends We Lost

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"Here. Keep this box of medicine with you." Travis handed over the box to Zoey, which she kept it in her suitcase. She was packing for her flight tomorrow and Travis was helping her in doing that.

"Finally." Zoey said and closed her suitcase.

Travis helped her place the suitcase in a corner and then let out an exhausted sigh. "It's late. I should leave now." He said, slipping his hands into his pocket.

Zoey watched him turn around in sorrow. She wished they were still together and she had the right to stop him. Because she needed him right now. This day was already breaking her apart and all she needed was to cuddle in his arms.

"Travis," she finally gathered courage to speak.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Stay." Zoey mumbled. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he contemplated what to do. Their eyes remained locked together throughout, with longing burning inside them.

"Zoey, it's not a wise thing to do. We are broken up for now, remember?" Travis said in a weak voice.

"I know." She said. "Just stay here, as a friend. I need this."

Travis hesitantly nodded and made his way to the bed. She excused herself to change into her night pyjamas and when she returned, Travis had already cozied himself under the blanket.

She switched off the lights and joined him on the bed. In the silent room, the only sound they could hear was the sound of each other's shallow breathing. She missed his scent, his strong hold, the way he used to make her knees weak by his kisses.

Leaving this place was the most difficult decision she ever made but she couldn't stay behind, not after what happened two months ago. This place will always remind Zoey of the friends she lost in the way, whether they died or lost the will to live. She needed to spend some time away, to heal herself.

But that didn't mean it didn't break her apart to leave Travis behind. Taking a break from this relationship was their mutual decision and it made both of them miserable in their own way.

Now, his presence on her bed reminded her of the good times they have had. When she couldn't hold it anymore, she scooted closer to Travis and wrapped her arms around his torso.


"Please. Help me sleep otherwise my thoughts will eat me alive." Zoey begged, staring at his face inches away from hers.

Extending his hand, Travis massaged her scalp slowly. His other hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her even closer. They breathed in each other's scent until sleep finally overpowered them.


"Don't each so much, fatso. And focus on your studies. At least one of us should go to college." Zoey ruffled Sam's hair and hugged him briefly.

"I will go to Harvard, just like Travis." Sam said in between the hug. She patted his back with pride.

Moving on, she reached Rose who was standing by the door and enveloped her in a hug. "Thanks, for everything." She said.

Rose hugged her back and there were tears in her eyes. Rose was the mother Zoey never had, although her own mother was alive. She was so dependent on Rose for everything that she didn't know how she will survive in Milan.

The next in line was her father, who had stress plastered on his face. Since the accident, Richard Crawford had changed a lot. Maybe he had realized that it could have easily been Zoey in Althea's place. He was scared to lose her.

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