31| Princess And The Real World

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Sitting on the dining table, Zoey kept her attention on her phone while Rose served the lasagna in their plates. Her father was busy talking to his secretary on the phone while Sam was busy drooling over the delicious aroma of the food.

Shutting the phone off, Richard first observed his uninterested daughter and then turned his attention to Sam. "I have appointed a new tutor for you. Do you have any test tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, Algebra but I am prepared." Sam replied.

"How did you prepare for it?" He asked.

"Travis helped." Sam shrugged and Zoey averted her eyes from the mobile on mention of Travis.

"Travis? Rose's son?" Richard asked in confused voice.

"Yep. He made it quite simple for me to understand." Sam replied and Richard nodded.

"I'll ask him to tutor you. I'm sure he can use some extra money." He proposed.

Zoey who was listening to all of this silently finally decided to intervene and put her phone away. "Don't bother. He already has a job." She informed.

"What kind of job?" Richard asked.

"He works in a superstore." She replied briefly.

"Rose is lucky to have such a responsible boy." Richard said smoothly but Zoey easily picked up the hint of taunt in his voice. "Otherwise teenagers these days are too spoiled to do anything but whine."

Zoey gritted her teeth at the subtle insult. "Yes. And Travis is also very lucky to have Rose who works the whole day but doesn't use work as an excuse to distance herself from her son." She retorted under her breath.

Richard clenched his teeth at Zoey's words. "You are such an ungrateful child, Zoey. I do everything to provide you with this lifestyle. A spoiled brat like you won't survive a day in the real world." He said, putting the fork away.

"I didn't ask you to provide anything to me." Zoey said softly, although there was nothing soft about her words.

He chuckled at this. "Do you know how much money do you use for shopping in one month? It will take people like Rose an year to earn that sum. Then there is you who gets everything served on a silver platter and yet you complain."

"Money isn't everything." She replied.

"Really? Says the person who can't even earn enough to buy a bread." He snarled back.

Zoey's blood boiled at this and she stood up angrily. "I think it's high time I show you that I can be independent too. I will start working a part-time job." she challenged.

"And where exactly would you work, Zoey?" He asked mockingly.

"That's for me to figure out." She said and stomped out of the dining room without finishing her plate.


"Dinner at Harpers? Are you crazy, Maya? They will eat you alive." Travis said while cleaning the aisle.

"Thanks for your kind words of motivation." Maya replied while she cleaned the aisle on the opposite side. They were alone in the store with no customer yet. Cody, Maya's father had went to the basement, giving them the task to rearrange all the shelves in the tools section.

Travis shook his head. "I don't like that Zachary guy. He has a bad reputation for sleeping with girls and then never calling them again." He said, feeling overprotective of Maya.

"For God's sake, Travis. Do you think I am going to sleep with him?" Maya rolled her eyes.

"I know you aren't. But guys like him, they have their ways of seducing a girl." Travis argued.

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