18| Dinner With Anderson

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Travis was still not sure if inviting Zoey inside her house at this time of the night was a good idea, but it wasn't like he had any choice. She pretty much invited herself on her own.

"Do you seriously want me to cook something?" He asked, just to confirm if she wasn't joking.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" She responded, making her way to the kitchen while he silently followed her.

"So what... What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Do you know how to cook pasta?" She asked and Travis nodded in return. "Well, then pasta it is."

Travis watched as Zoey made herself comfortable on a counter and crossed her legs. She was wearing skinny jeans and a red shirt, her hair flowing down her shoulder in natural waves. He felt troubled on having her there with him but he didn't have any option now, do he?

Zoey watched in amusement as Travis moved around in the kitchen, obviously not happy with her presence. She liked pushing his buttons because he himself wasn't a saint either. He left no chance of demeaning her so she wasn't going to be easy on him either.

As much as he irked her, he still was a sight for sore eyes. Tall height, light brown hair, defined jaw and a proportioned body; everything about him was drool-worthy. Too bad, he was a plain dick.

"What is this red thingy?" Zoey asked, scrunching her nose upwards.

"Diced tomatoes. You don't know how to cook, do you?" Travis replied.

"No. I never cooked before. The maids do the cooking." She said and then stopped mid-way, almost forgetting about Rose. Travis' jaw clenched a little and Zoey immediately changed the topic. "When did you learn to cook?"

"I guess, three, four years ago, right when Mom started to work." He said slowly and Zoey nodded.

"My father would kill to have a son like you." Zoey attempted to make a joke but Travis just continued working instead of responding.

After a long silence, Zoey started again. "What do you do for fun? And please don't say crap like I don't have time for fun as I am not a spoilt brat like you."

"How did you know I was going to say that?" A corner of Travis' mouth lifted as he angled his neck to look at her, causing Zoey to roll her eyes. "I sketch and paint. And sometimes, I write."

"Wow, so we have a Shakespeare here with us." Zoey commented as she looked around in the kitchen. The house wasn't large but it was neatly kept and cozy. "Won't you ask me what I do for fun?"

"No, the newspapers are enough to tell me that." He said, obviously hinting towards some of Zoey's rebellious activities.

Thinning her mouth in a line, Zoey climbed down the counter and made her way to him. He was making sauce for the pasta, looking extremely focused in that. "Careful Anderson, don't judge a book by it's cover."

Keeping the cooking spoon aside, he turned to Zoey, staring down at her from his tall height. "On the contrary, I think the best way to judge a book is by its cover."

For a brief moment, their eyes remained locked together, causing Zoey's heart to beat fast. She couldn't understand why she felt like hyperventilating as it was definitely not the first time she was standing this close to a guy.

"Your sauce is burning, my friend." She reminded him and that's when the trance broke. She smirked as she watched him try to save the sauce by adding some more water.

The rest of the cooking session went in silence. Once the pasta was done, it's delicious aroma filled the air and Travis served it in two plates. Together, they made their way to the lounge and sat down on the couch.

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