60| What The Future Holds

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Zoey, Althea and Olive were sitting in their usual spot in the ground, watching Zachary and Ethan practise basketball with some of their team players.

It was Althea was broke the comfortable silence. "Guys, I want to tell you something." She said.

"Yeah. Sure." Olive said and turned her head towards her.

Althea tucked a loose lock of her perfectly straightened hair behind her ears and cleared her throat. "Something happened in the jungle."

"What? Were you attacked by a bear and this is your ghost?" Zoey chuckled and earned a scowl from Althea.

"It's serious." She said, looking at Ethan. "Ethan and I kissed. And I told him that I feel something for him."

"Really?" Zoey exclaimed. "Wow."

"Don't be too excited. We haven't talked about it yet. We didn't get any chance to discuss what happened back there." Althea said in distressed voice.

Zoey was about to reply when her eyes fell on Travis and his friends walking towards the ground. Their eyes met momentarily and a small smile appeared on Travis's lips. The memories of yesterday morning rushed through Zoey's mind and a shiver ran down her spine.

"And what if Ethan---" Althea stopped for a second and then started again. "What in God's name is going on between you and Walmart boy?"

"Nothing." Zoey shrugged, keeping her face straight.

"Nothing? You both keep looking at each other, ignoring the rest of the world." Althea commented.

"Hey, we were talking about Ethan and you. Remember?" Zoey said and changed the topic of the conversation back to her.

"Yeah. About that. I don't understand what to do. I mean, Ethan is definitely a bad choice. I should wait for someone who is worth it. Right?" Althea said.

"On the contrary, I think nobody will ever love you the way he does." Olive said.

"You guys are supposed to be on my side." Althea whined.

"We are on your side. I think Ethan will make you very happy, only if you let him." Zoey said.

"Ugh, it's so confusing." Althea yelled, hiding her face in between her palms.

"What is so confusing?" Zachary asked as both boys reached the girls.

"Um... College. I haven't heard back from Harvard." Althea lied, changing the topic completely.

"Too bad. Duke is willing to offer me full scholarship." Zachary grinned proudly.

"As if Dad will let you go there." Althea commented.

"On the other hand, I am not letting Dad decide things for me anymore. He already has a daughter to do that." Zachary said.

"Dad has our best interests in mind." Althea said. "He wants us to join Harvard. That's where the best minds of the country go."

"I am going to Duke and nobody can change my decision." Zachary said in annoyed tone.

Zoey was listening to their discussion silently when something hit her back. Confused, she looked around and found a crumpled piece of paper on the ground. Ignoring the boring discussion going between her friends, she opened the paper ball and read it.

Meet me behind the library building.


Barely controlling her smile, Zoey stood up and announced, "I am going to the washroom."

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