15| Mr. Judgemental Freak

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After leaving Travis' car, Zoey made her way straight to the stairs of the playground where Althea and Olive were sitting alone, silently observing everything going around in the ground. A basketball tournament was nearing closer so both Ethan and Zachary were practicing in the school ground with the rest of the team while a group of cheerleaders were practicing their routine in a corner.

"Hi guys." Zoey said as she made her way to them.

Althea angled her long neck to look at her and as her eyes travelled down her body, the look of disapproval on her face grew stronger.

"Is there something wrong with my vision or are you seriously wearing a sweatshirt with Taylor Swift's face on it?" She asked, scrunching her nose in disgust.

"It's not mine. Long story." Zoey said because she was in no mood of explaining her why she was wearing Maya's clothes.

"That reminds me. Where in the world were you last night? We all were so worried for you." She asked and Zoey let out a sigh.

"Yeah, your Dad called each of us." Olive interjected.

"I was fine. I... I..." She knew telling them would cause unnecessary drama but it was better than them finding out through another source. "I was at Travis' house last night."

Hearing this, Althea and Olive both chocked on the air. Zoey felt unnerved under their gazes so she added, "I just went there to hide. Nothing else happened."

"That's a relief. But still, Walmart boy? Really? You could have come to any of us but you chose him?" The disappointment in Althea's voice heightened.

"I was angry at Dad and I didn't want him to find me, which would have been pretty easy for him if I had come to your houses." She explained but her answer sounded unsatisfactory to Althea.

"Well, what's done is done. Just don't go AWOL next time. We were so worried for you." Olive said before Althea could say anything.

They all then went silent as they observed the cheerleaders in their usual cheer costume, following the instructions of their captain Blaire Willow. She had been Althea's archnemesis since their first day in Majesty High when she 'tried' to bully Althea and then ended up suffering her wrath.

"God, if this Regina George wannabe ends up dating my brother, there will be a bloodbath in the school the size of Texas." She said as she noticed how Blaire kept trying to smile flirtatiously at Zachary. Blaire was the typical mean girl and coincidentally, she even looked like Regina George with her petite figure, straight blonde hair and sharp features.

"Don't worry. Zachary isn't interested in her." Zoey said while scrolling down her mobile screen. There were fifteen calls from her father and many from her friends.

"Of course, he isn't. We Harpers don't go for trash." Althea said and then stood up to make her way to her first class.

After she left, both Olive and Zoey exchanged a look over their shared misery and stood up to walk towards their first class.

Inside the class, they sat in their respective seats. From the corner of her eye, Zoey's eyes met Travis and the events of last night appeared in her memory. Althea was right; it didn't make any sense. Zoey had plenty of friends yet she chose to ask Travis for help. There was something about this guy that fascinated her in a way nobody has done before. She wasn't sure if she was developing a crush on him or she was just curious about him. Either way, he went out of his way to help him last night and she was grateful for that.

Someone cleared the throat beside her and she found Olive smirking sheepishly. "What?" Zoey asked, shrugging.

"Somebody has a crush." She whispered, leaning towards her.

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