37| Young Love

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Althea and her friends were sitting in their favourite Italian restaurant, waiting for Ethan to show up. Like always, he was late for their hangout and it was irritating Althea to her core. She had repeatedly told them to be there by 6 but still, he just had to be late.

She gave a glance to rest of them. Zoey, who nowadays doesn't have time for them because of her new pointless job, Olive who spent most of her time practicing soccer to beat the frustration of not coming out to her parents, Zachary who had his mind wrapped around that ordinary girl Maya. They rarely get together these days and it annoyed Althea. It was their senior year and this year was all about making memories but somehow, their little group was slowly drifting apart.

"Did you choose your dress for the pageant yet?" Zoey asked her, breaking her chain of thoughts.

"Not really." She replied and took a sip of her smoothie. "My stylist has sent me some clothes. I'll try then out tomorrow."

"Great." Zoey replied.

"Why is Ethan not here yet?" Althea grunted at Zachary who was busy smiling at something on his phone screen.

"I am here." She heard a voice coming from the door. Lifting her head, she found Ethan walking towards them but a frown appeared on her forehead when she found Cindy following him to their booth. Cindy, this girl somehow annoyed her more than Blaire Willow and the rest of the cheerleaders combined. She was always with Ethan, following him like a trail and surprisingly, he didn't mind it at all.

"What is she doing here?" She asked Ethan and Zoey elbowed her to be nice. But faking pleasantries wasn't her style. "It was supposed to be just us. Outsiders and fuck-buddies are not allowed to our hangouts."

"First, she is my girlfriend, not a random chick. Second, I am sure nobody else minds." Ethan replied, pulling out a chair for Cindy. Stupid Cindy.

"I do mind." Althea stated.

"Relax, sis. Be a little welcoming, will you?" Zachary said and Althea rolled her eyes.

"So Cindy, why did you transfer from London?" Zoey initiated the conversation and Althea eyed her begrudgingly.

"My father was transferred here by his company." She said.

"Oh. How is our school treating you, by the way?" Zoey asked further while the rest of them decided their order.

"It's nice. Different than my last school which had a lot less drama." She smiled. "I am planning on joining the cheer squad for fun."

At this, the rest of them got silence because they knew how much Althea hated cheerleaders.

"Cheerleader? So you are exactly Ethan's type. He has slept with the whole squad I guess." Althea smirked at her and Cindy blinked twice in return.

"Are you this rude to everyone or just Ethan's girlfriends?" Cindy asked Althea and the rest of them just stared awkwardly.

Althea widened her already huge blue eyes and asked, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, isn't it obvious? You are jealous." Cindy said.

"Jealous of whom exactly?" Althea gritted her teeth.

"Me." Cindy said and Ethan held her hands to stop her from saying anything else. He didn't want her to suffer Althea's wrath. "What? Am I supposed to just ignore everything she says or does like the rest of you guys?"

"Tell her to stop talking, Ethan." Althea threw daggers at Ethan.

"Guys," Olive interfered to stop the catfight but it was too late. Althea stood up angrily and walked past them towards the exit of the restaurant.

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