23| Family Affairs

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After the school, Zoey and Zachary went to her favourite burger spot for the lunch. It was their ritual; to have lunch together at least once a week. Although all of them were very close, Zoey felt most at peace with Zachary because he understood her better than everyone.

"So, how is life these days?" He asked, as if they don't see each other almost every day.

"Boring." She said.

"Want me to introduce you to someone to bring some sparks in your life?" Zachary raised his eyebrows and Zoey shook her head.

"No thanks. I am already fed up of guys. They are either pervy assholes or rude jerks." She said, rolling her eyes at the reminder of how Travis left last night. Huffing slightly, she took a bite of her cheeseburger; the taste urging her to close her eyes and moan like those TV commercials.

Zachary propped his elbows on the table and said, "Lucky for you, I am neither pervy nor rude."

At this, she leaned her head back slightly and chuckled. "Keep flirting and maybe, some day, I'll give in."

"I won't be available forever." Zachary teased but there was something else in his voice; a warning maybe; a desire to be taken seriously.

"Well, if we are single by the time we are forty, we can get married." She grinned.

"Don't go all Ted Mosby on my ass. I am not waiting that long." He said and took a sip of his coke.

"We will see." She winked and then finished the last of her burger.

"Let's go." Zachary paid the bill and then they both made their way to his new car that his father had recently gifted him.

"I miss the limo." Zoey said, sitting inside.

"Me too. This one was just a bribe by Dad to act like the perfect boy in front of his guests." Zachary said in an annoyed voice.

"At least Uncle Daniel doesn't ask you to hide yourself in front of his guests, so that you don't end up humiliating him." She muttered angrily.

"Such role models we have." He said and revved the engine, starting the car.

Zoey looked out through the window glass. The weather was enjoyable today; not too hot, not too cold. There were small clouds covering the sky, creating a peaceful atmosphere. She had planned to go to beach initially but then his father told her to be at home as he wanted to talk about something.

"Where are we going?" She asked when she noticed that they weren't going towards her house.

"I have to stop at Maya's store. I need to borrow her notes." He said.

"You seem quite cosy with her these days." Zoey teased.

"She isn't my type and you know that." Zachary said, smirking.

"What is your type then? Blaire Willow?" Zoey asked.

"You." He winked and Zoey heaved a long sigh.

"Keep your eyes on the road." She replied and once again, started looking out of the window.

The drive ended soon and they found themselves outside the super store. Zachary went inside first while Zoey followed him, only to find Travis standing at the counter.

"Where is Maya?" Zachary asked.

"In the grocery section." He said and motioned towards that aisle.

After Zachary had left, Zoey made her way to Travis and rested her hands on the counter. He looked really boyish in the white hoodie he was wearing, the hood covering his forehead. Some of his brown locks were peeking out and covering his eyes, making him look like a cute bunny.

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