68| The Golden Boy's Downfall

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Maya was sitting in her Algebra class, waiting for the teacher to return the test. As far as she thinks, she did pretty great on the test. She watched Zachary from the corner of her eyes, sitting limply on the seat beside her. He had boredom written on his face, as if he couldn't care less about school and class. This wasn't the Zachary she remembered. He was usually a pretty good student, excluding few instances when he failed the tests due to basketball matches or something.

Maya wanted to talk to him but she knew better. So she waited for her test from the pile of white papers. Hers was third in line and the teacher returned it with an approving smile on her face. She had scored an A, not that it was anything new for her.

"Zachary, see me after the school." The teacher gave a stern look to Zachary and then handed him his test paper. He had failed the test, as evident by the big F on his it. He didn't even bother to hide it and just simply let it stay on his desk.

After the class ended, Maya followed him out of the class. "Zachary." She called his name.

"What?" He asked with an annoyed face.

"You do know you could lose your scholarship in Duke if you don't pass the finals." Maya reminded him.

"So?" Zachary asked. "What does it has to do with you?"

Maya felt embarrassed at his words but she held her ground. "Finals are next week. I can help you, if you want." She offered.

Zachary scowled at her and continued walking. Maya didn't back away and once again followed him. "I am your friend, Zach. Listen to me." She said.

What Zachary did next knocked the breath out of her lungs. He gripped her wrist and tugged her into a nearby empty classroom, closing the door behind them. Once inside, he caged her between the door and his chest, pining her.

"What were you saying? Friends? Didn't you learn by now that I don't want to be your friends?" He seethed, his warm breath creating small shivers in Maya's spine.

His blue eyes pierced into her grey ones and the look in them held her captive. She had never seen him so angry and hurt before. She tried to speak clearly but her tongue didn't help.

Zachary's eyes lowered to her lips and she sucked her breath. She didn't want him to know how much he affected him, specially after she clearly rejected him twice. But she couldn't help it. He makes her nervous and it was evident from her trembling lower lip.

Before she could do anything, he cupped her chin roughly and lifted her face until their mouths were literally inches away. One wrong move and they would end up kissing. "Stay... away... from... me." He gritted each word and Maya's heart kept somersaulting in her chest.

Saying this, he left her chin with a jerk and walked away, leaving Maya hot and bothered all of a sudden.


Zachary was the last one to arrive at the Harper's dining table. His father had a huge frown on his face because he hated whenever he was late. Beside him was sitting Althea on one side and his Mom on the other; a perfect happy family.

"Good evening." He said and took a seat.

"Where were you?" His father Daniel asked. "A responsible person never keeps his family waiting." Zachary listened to him silently, as he preached about the qualities of an ideal Harper man. He had heard the same lectures over and over again.

"Can we start eating now?" He asked, earning a narrowed glare from Daniel.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything and served some rice and grilled fish in his plate. His attention then converged to Althea, who was munching on her food gracefully.

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