7| The Royal Harpers

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(A/N: That's the benefit of writing Third person's POV. You can add some detail about the supporting characters and make the story interesting. Let's take a little peek into the Harper family's mansion.)


At one end of the dining table made of special Italian wood sat Mr. Daniel Harper, waiting for his whole family to arrive so the dinner could be started. Mrs. Isobel Harper was the first one to arrive, the driver lagging behind her with the shopping bags in his hand.

"Drop these in my room." She said to him and made her way to the dining table, her heels clicking on the expensive marble. She seated herself on the other end of the dining table stretched across to whole hall.

"Where is Althea and Zachary?" Daniel asked.

"I am here, Daddy." Althea appeared through the hallway and kissed her father on the cheek. "Good evening."

"Good evening, sweetheart." Daniel smiled at his daughter, the only person in the world who has wrapped him around her finger. She was indeed Daddy's little girl, despite the fact that she would be leaving for college soon.

"How was your sleepover last night?" He asked her.

"It was fun." Althea said, remembering how they had spent the whole night watching movies and giving makeovers to each other. They even gave Olive a new haircut which suited her bone structure and made her look less boyish.

"Where is Zachary?" Daniel asked and Althea shrugged. "Kevin, go to his room and ask him to join us for dinner." He ordered one of the servants.

After almost five minutes, Zachary entered the dining hall with his focus on his mobile. He seated himself at a distance from his father and served the roasted chicken in his plate.

"How is school going?" Daniel asked as an attempt of small talk.

"I am standing up for the student council's president." Althea said and Daniel felt proud of his daughter.

"And you, Zachary?" He asked his son.

"Nothing much." He shrugged carelessly in response, much to his father's annoyance.

"Zachary, there is a party this Tuesday at the Mayor's house. I'd like you to join me." Daniel Harper informed him and took a bite of his bland salad made for him. Since he was diagnosed with hypertension, his food was prepared by special chef according to the instructions by his doctor.

"Sorry Dad. I have a basketball match that day." Zachary replied, feeling nervous under the eyes of his father on him.

"Matches will come and go but a meeting like this won't come everyday. It will be a perfect occasion to introduce you to the society." His father said in his authoritative voice.

"Dad, you know I am the captain. I need to be there." Zachary sighed in annoyance.

"Basketball is just a hobby, son. Politics is your future." Daniel's responded.

"You and I both know I don't want to persue a career in politics. I want to be a basketball player." Zachary argued.

"Bullshit. Harper men have been in the politics from ages. These sports are for common people who need a reason to become famous. My children are the talk of the town since the second they were born." Daniel said and Zachary looked at her mother for some help.

"Come on, Daniel. Let the poor boy eat." She said and sipped her soup.

Daniel silenced for a minute but the peace didn't last long and he started again. "Learn something from your sister. She is turning out to be a real socialite like her mother. Why can't you follow your father's footsteps?" His voice grew more disappointed with every passing minute.

Althea who was observing everything silently felt a little bad for her twin brother. She was glad she didn't have any stupid dreams like him that would be the reason of her father's disappointment one day. She had moulded herself into exactly what her parents wanted her to be; a rich, educated, sophisticated and elegant high society girl.

"Then maybe you should take her to the party instead." Zachary said and sliding the plate away, stood up from his seat.

"Zachariah, where are you going? Sit back." Isobel warned in a worried voice.

"I have invited some friends over." Zach said and stomped out of the dining hall, leaving his father disappointed once again.


Whenever she is sad, Althea comes to take a long bath in the hot tub by their pool, specially brought on her request. Under the starry sky, the hot water calms the turmoil inside her mind and she is able to sleep better despite the stress. Tonight, the reason of her sadness was the small argument between Zachary and her dad. She hated any disturbance in her perfect little family, specially if it gives her Dad any stress.

Some steps coming her way caught her off guard and she turned the jet on to create the bubbles in order to hide her barely dressed self from the intruder. But when Ethan's head appeared through the glass door, she sighed in relief.

"Get out, Ethan. This is my self-care time." She whined and turned on the light music to lighten her mood.

Instead of walking back, Ethan sat down on the floor just at the edge of the hot tub and dangled his legs inside. Thankfully, he had already changed into his pyjama shorts so he won't get wet.

"What happened? You look sad." He said. "And I don't like it when you are sad, princess." This was his nickname for her that was given when he met her on day one and she was throwing a huge tantrum about how her princess doll wasn't as big as her friend Cassidy's.

Ethan and Zachary had been friends since elementary school and that's how long Althea had known him. Since their childhood, he had been doing everything in his power to irk her to her core, be it hiding her makeup or adding extra butter in her diet food. She hated his guts, specially since he became a playboy when they went to highschool together. The popularity got to his head in a wrong way and he started spending more and more time with the type of high school girls that Althea always hated. Call her old-fashioned or judgemental but she despised those people who couldn't keep it in their pants and starts humping every thing that moves.

"Don't think I am one of the girls who easily fall for these chocolate brown eyes and your cheesy lines. Althea Harper is neither stupid, nor naive." She said in a smug manner. Most people would hate her way of talking but Ethan adored it, had been adoring it for as long as he can remember.

"I know. Besides, you aren't one of the girls. You are the girl." He added with a wink and heat slightly crept up Althea's pale neck. She slid down in the tub to hide her flustered neck from him.

"Go play some cards or whatever you boys do at your sleepovers." She snarled back.

"I don't know about others but I would definitely be thinking about you. This sight is too beautiful to forget." Ethan whispered and Althea rolled her eyes at the cheesy pick-up lines.

"Man, if you are done flirting with her, we all are waiting for the beer." One of Zachary's friends screamed from the door and Ethan sprung back into standing position. He rushed towards the small fridge behind the pool area and pulled out few bottles of beer.

After he left, Althea turned off the jet and walked out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her wet body. The day has been quite tiring and she knew only one thing can cure it--- Ordering the best sushi in the town for a late-night snack.


Tomorrow, we will be back to our Zoey and Travis and hopefully, they will have one decent conversation without insulting each other.

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