35| Of Snitches And Crushes

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After school, despite every nerve in her body telling her not to, Zoey still made her way to the store. Her motivation to prove herself to her father was dwindling every day. If it was not for Travis, she would have quit by now.

She entered the store with a smile on her face. The memory of their kiss was still fresh in her mind. This was definitely not her first kiss but her favourite by far for some unknown reason. There was something about this nerdy guy, something unapproachable that makes him irresistible, as much as she hated to admit. But that didn't mean she was going to feed his already huge ego by admitting that in front of him.

The first person she noticed inside was the man himself, Travis Anderson. Dressed in a white T-shirt and blue denim jeans, he was engrossed in doing some calculation on the store register.

"Hi." She walked over to him and said.

"Hi." He said, not bothering to look at her.

"So about what happened last night---"

He broke her in between the sentence and said, "Nothing happened."

"Still in denial, are we?" Zoey lowered herself by propping her palms on the counter.

"I am not in denial. I am just choosing to erase that horrible memory from my mind." He said and Zoey contorted her nose at this.

"Horrible? That's the first time someone has described a kiss with me as horrible." She narrowed her eyes at him.

He finally raised his head and looked into her eyes. "What can I say? I don't like you much." He said.

"Well, guess what? I don't like you either." Saying that, Zoey snorted and made her way to the food aisle to help an old man find the required food.

The rest of the day went like that, with the passive aggressive looks and angry side-eyes they gave to each other. Whenever Zoey needed anything to ask, she went to Maya or straight to Cody instead of him. She hated feeling like this, the anger, the struggle, the bitter feeling in her stomach. So what if he didn't like her? He wasn't the last person on Earth. He can go to hell for all she cares.

She was lost in those thoughts when a man made his way to her. He was tall and had reddish hair, with a flirty smirk on his thin lips. Redheads weren't usually her type but she was willing to make an exception today.

"Hi," she said to the man in an unusually high-pitched voice. "What would you like to have?"

"Have is a broad term. There are many things I would like to have, for example a fiesty brunette." He winked at her.

Zoey internally cringed at his words but didn't let it show on her face. "Oh, in that case, what would you like to buy?"

He looked around the aisle and then picked up a packet of cereal. "So what's your name, love?" He asked.

Her gaze landed on Travis who was looking at them with narrowed eyes. This amused her and she leaned closer to the guy to irk him more. "The name is Zoey."

"Zoey." He repeated, stepping closer to her. "I am Josh."

"Oh. Nice to meet you Josh." She smirked, feeling angry glared towards them. "Are you sure you don't need anything else?"

"Not for now. But don't worry, I will keep coming." He grinned.

"I'll look forward to it." Zoey said and watched Josh go to the counter and pay for it.

Once he had left, she found Travis trudging towards her with a bothered look on his face. "What was that?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" Zoey glared, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

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