42| Netflix And Chill

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Once the car stopped in front of Zoey's house, Travis stepped out of it and went to the passenger side. Zoey opened the door and he once again picked her up in his arms.

"Your dress weighs a ton." He muttered under his breath.

"So what? It's not everyday you get to wear such dresses." She replied.

"Tell that to your twisted ankle." He replied and reached the stairs. Huffing, he climbed the stairs, managing her in his arms with great difficulty. He let out a deep sigh once he reached the top of stairs and then made this way into her room.

Once inside her room, he lay her down on the bed and knelt in front of her to assess her ankle. "How did you even walk in these heels?" He eyed his heels with worry and then extended his hand to take them off.

Zoey felt slightly warm as she felt his hands slowly taking off her heels. "Beauty is pain." She whispered.

"It looks a little swollen. I still think we should call a doctor." He said.

"I'll be fine. Just... I need to change this dress. I literally can't breathe anymore." She said and attempted to stand up but once again fell back on the bed as her ankles failed to bear her weight.

"Wait here. I'll bring you your clothes." He said and went into her walk-in closet.

"Open the first cabinet to the left. There will be a tank top somewhere inside." She said. After some searching, he took out a white tank top and threw it towards the bed.

"Now open the drawer beneath the handbags shelf and find some shorts." She said and he did the same.

After few seconds, he appeared with his nose scrunched up and his eyes widened like saucers. "What in God's name is that?" He said, eyeing the piece of clothing.

"That's called booty shorts." She replied, suppressing the urge to laugh at his expression.

"B... Booty shorts?"

"Yep. They are comfortable." She shrugged.

"Whatever." He said and chucked the shirts towards her.

He then turned around so she could change. She eyed the back of his head in confusion and then asked, "Why aren't you leaving?"

"What if you fall down or something?" He replied.

"How convenient!" She said and then took off her dress while still being seated. It proved to be a very difficult task and she ended up grunting and groaning a few times, making it difficult for Travis to not turn around and help her.

Once the dress was out of way, she slipped on the tank top but when it was time for the shorts, she couldn't stand. "Travis, I need help." She said.

He turned around and when found her sitting in the tank top and red lacy underwear, his Adam's apple moved up and down. "Wh.. what?" He asked, his mouth suddenly felt dry.

"I can't pull it up." She pointed towards the shorts gathered around her feet.

Travis contemplated over this whole situation, analyzing the possible ways of dressing her up without actually touching her. His hormones were already playing hide and seek with him. He didn't want the very naked sight of Zoey close to his eyes to rile him up more.

"Don't stress your brain. Seducing you is the last thing on my mind right now." Zoey said in an aggravated voice.

Nodding, Travis shook his head to clear his mind and walked towards her, kneeling in front of her. "Stand up. Don't put the pressure on this leg. Support your hands on my shoulder." He directed.

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