47| Lifetime Of Fun

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It has been two days since Travis kissed Zoey and they both hasn't talked since then. Today, Travis was officially coming back to school because his father was discharged yesterday. His life was turned upside down in the last few days but school was still the same. The ground was filled with various students gathered in their cliche groups, ranging from catholic squad to junkies, jocks to nerds, extroverts to introverts.

His eyes travelled throughout the ground and finally rested on the girl he has been dying to see since two days. Zoey. She was sitting with her friends, laughing at something Ethan was saying. She was dressed in a yellow sundress, her hair pulled up in a loose bun, looking bright and radiant like the sun herself.

He still doesn't know what came over him when he rushed behind her in the elevator and kissed her like that. Now, he has made things between them even more awkward than they already were. She was just being a good friend by helping him but he just had to ruin it, like the stupid fool he was.

Cursing himself under his breath, he made his way to the first class that was English Literature. Few minutes had passed when Zoey entered the class and walked over to the empty seat beside him.

"Welcome back." She said to him and then opened her notebook.

"Thanks." He replied and did the same.

The teacher then started teaching and Travis realized how much he has missed in the last few days. He was lagging behind in almost each subject and to add to the misery, there were three major tests coming.

"You can take my notebook home. It has all the notes of Literature that he dictated when you were absent." Zoey said.

"Since when did you start taking notes?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Since I figured you might need them." She shrugged and Travis felt a tug in his chest. She has to stop being so nice to him or else, he won't be able to stop himself from kissing her over and over again.

"Thanks." He said and took the notebook from her. He assessed all the notes she had made. Although she had tried her hardest, her handwriting was almost illegible.

"Or you can ask one of those nerdy girls for better notes, if these are not up to your standard." Zoey huffed angrily, noticing the unimpressed look on his face.

"No, it's good. These are good." Travis said. "I am grateful for the effort."

"As you should be." Zoey smirked and they both then turned their faces to the board.


After their shift at the store ended, Zoey called her driver to pick her up. While she was waiting for him outside, she noticed Travis sitting inside which was unusual because he immediately leaves as soon as their shift ends.

"Aren't you leaving?" She asked, walking back inside.

"Yeah, in a minute. A friend is picking me up." He replied.

"Which friend?" She asked in confusion.

"It's a guy from middle school. We are hanging out tonight." He replied.

Zoey nodded and silently waited for her driver. Few minutes passed when Travis got a call and by their conversation, it sounded like his friend ditched him.

"What happened? He ditched?" She asked when she noticed him frowning.

"I am tired Zoey. I have been tired for a long time and I wanted tonight to be fun. For the first time in like ever, I wanted to do what other teenagers do. But I guess my life is not meant for fun." Travis groaned.

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