66| Official?

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It was close to midnight. After spending the whole day in confusion, Zoey finally made her mind to do the daring deed. She wore her slippers and walked out of her room with hushed steps. Climbing down the stairs, she made her way towards her Dad's study.

Knocking on the door first, she entered inside and watched her father whose eyebrows drawn closer in confusion. She walked forwards and stopped inches away from his desk, lowering her eyes to the floor.

"Zoey, what are your intentions now?" He asked.

"I am not here to fight or argue." She whispered meekly. "I am here to request you."

Richard assessed his daughter's face for a moment. It wasn't very often that he heard the word request from his daughter's mouth. "Sit."

Nodding, she sat down in front of him and started speaking. "Travis would never date me if Rose won't approve of this relationship and she would never do it unless you are okay with us. So here I am, asking your permission to date him." She said. Humbling herself in front of her careless father was one of the most difficult things Zoey had to do.

Richard cocked his head to a side and asked, "Just for an ordinary guy, you are asking for my permission? What spell had he cast on you?"

"He is not ordinary. He is amazing." She defended him. "And he humbles me. I am a better person when I am with him. Isn't that what you wanted all along?"

Sighing, he said, "Well, I have to give him that. He is a good influence on you."

"See. Besides, who cares if he is not rich? I am sure he will find a good job one day." She further added.

"The issue isn't that he is poor. I am not against poor people, Zoey." Richard commented. "The issue is that his mother is a maid in our house. This makes your relationship ten times more complicated than a normal relationship."

"That's my headache." She fought back. "I'll make sure my feelings for Travis aren't affected by this."

"And what about after high school? He will leave this town." Richard placed his elbows on the desk and asked.

"I will visit him weekly. It's not like I would have my own college work to worry about. Once again, it's our issue. You just have to give us your approval." Zoey replied.

"You are just here because of him, aren't you? You don't give a fuck if I approve or not." Richard asked, a hint of sadness clear in his voice.

Zoey kept quiet because she knew the answer wasn't going to be a positive one.

"It's either Travis or a drunk junkie highschool dropout, judging by your life choices. The former option sounds better." He said and a smile broke out on Zoey's mouth, despite the subtle insult.

"Thanks." She said in a grateful manner. "Dad."

A faint smile lingered on Richard's lips as he nodded and once again shifted his attention to the file in his hand. Never in past few years did he have such a polite and mature conversation with his daughter, that didn't involve one of them exploding on the other person in anger.


Travis had come to visit Zoey next day right after he got a text from her. She told him in the message that Richard has finally gave them his blessings, which means his mom won't have any issue with them anymore. It was Saturday and he didn't have anything else to do today so he went straight to her house.

Now they were lying next to each other on her bed, talking about random things. "So we are finally official." He said excitedly, staring at the beautiful girl lying next to her. Zoey was dressed in her very short shorts, that she liked to call booty shorts and a tank top. Her wavy brown hair was sprawled everywhere on the white bedsheet.

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