40| The Beauty Pageant (1)

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It was Sunday, the day of the beauty pageant. The backstage was so crowded that it was getting difficult to breathe. Plus, the anxiety didn't help Maya either. She felt like she was going to embarrass herself in the worst way possible.

"Are you sure this hairstyle suits me?" She asked the makeup and hair stylist. Her curly hair were gathered on top of her head in a messy bun that took the artist an hour to make.

"Yes, it does, sweety." She replied in her saccharine voice.

"How is it going, Aria?" She heard Zachary's voice and her heart jolted in nervousness. She didn't want him to see her like this but it was too late. He was already staring at her with his mouth hanging low.

"God!" He muttered under his breath.

"What? Do I look okay? I look bad, don't I?" Maya asked him while he kept staring with wide eyes.

"N... No. You look... Wow." Zachary said breathlessly.

Maya blushed at this and assessed herself once again in the mirror. Maybe she didn't look that bad.

"You have magical hands, Aria." Zachary said to the artist. She was one of Zachary's friends and by the look of it, it seemed like they were probably more than just friends in the past.

"Anything for you." She winked at him and he smirked in return. Maya watched their interaction with a frown on her forehead.

"I'll take it from here." He said.

After Aria had left, he walked behind Maya and tucked a loose curl into the bun. Through the mirror, their eyes locked together and they both passed each other a brief smile.

Once their staring contest broke, Maya looked around the crowded hall and her eyes landed on Althea. She looked mesmerizing in her black dress that looked like it was straight out of a Hollywood red carpet. Her makeup, hair, everything was done to perfection. She knew she didn't stand a chance against Althea and she was okay with it, as long as she don't get herself embarrassed by falling on the stage or something.

Sharp blue eyes, flawless skin, makeup done to perfection and dark hair cascading down her shoulder, Althea smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her team of hair stylists and makeup artists had done their job perfectly. Her dress was gorgeous and contrasted against her pale skin. Overall, she was sure she would win. The only thing remained was to inform the servants to prepare everything for the celebration.

She cast a glance at Zoey standing at her neighbouring table. She also looked amazing in her red flowy dress and she even did her hair and makeup herself. But for Zoey, winning didn't matter. Shame, because what's the fun in life if you don't excel in everything.

"Hey," Althea waved at Olive who was sitting there to give them moral support. "How do I look?"

"You look like you could give supermodels a run for their money." Olive commented.

"Why thank you, sweetheart." Althea said.

"Of course she is going to win. Her mother is the judge." Blaire Willow commented and Althea gave her a narrowed glare.

"As if you had any chance if my mother wasn't the judge" Althea said sarcastically. "Besides, everybody knows I don't need any unfair mean to win so take your whining to somewhere else."

Zoey who was listening to their arguing silently, rolled her eyes. She couldn't understand why everyone was so obsessed with winning. Competitions like this were supposed to be just for enjoyment. You dress up in pretty gowns, do makeup on your face, style your hair and walk down the ramp; that's the fun part.

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