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One month later

"Mom, I don't need these sandwiches. It's a short roadtrip." Travis said to Rose who just narrowed her eyes in return.

"Don't tell me you are too cool for homemade sandwiches now that you are leaving for Harvard?" She said and Zoey burst out laughing at this.

"Sorry to say Rose, but our Travis can never be too cool." She teased him.

"I'll deal with you later." He warned and she just winked in return from the passenger seat of the car.

"Hurry up, we have to see off Maya as well." Zoey reminded him.

"Yeah," Travis said and hugged Rose. "Take care of yourself. Don't work too hard."

Rose hugged him back by hiding her face in his chest. She was a lot shorter than her son and had to stand on her tiptoes to reach him. "Take your meals regularly. Make nice friends. And don't forget your uneducated mother."

"Come on, you know it will never happen." Travis kissed the top of her head.

Zoey watched both of them with a huge smile on her face. Today was the day Travis and Maya were finally leaving for their colleges and she couldn't be more proud of her boyfriend. Yeah, that also means she won't be able to see him regularly but they both promised that they will spend every second weekend together, no matter what happens.

Travis' father had also came out of the house to see him off. Although he wasn't as enthusiastic as Rose, he at least appreciated that his son was leaving for college.

After saying both of them one last goodbye, Travis made his way to the passenger seat of the car. "Zachary is at Maya's house. He will drive me back after you leave." She told him.

"Come with me." Travis offered as he ran his fingers all over her thigh.

"I wish." Zoey smiled at him. "But I need to start working on my boutique. I can't let my grandparent's money go to waste."

"Where can you get grandparents who will leave you millions after their death?" Travis joked.

"You need to be the only child of their only child. Sam wasn't born then." She replied, keeping her eyes on the road. It took her a long time to start driving again after that accident. The thought of driving a car traumatized her but Travis helped her gain her confidence back.

"Don't worry. I'll be visiting you this weekend, to make sure all those drunk, horny sorority girls know you are mine." Zoey added.

Travis chuckled at this and said, "Are you jealous?"

"Yeah, right. I am so jealous." She said in an exaggerated voice, although it was true. She was already jealous of those possible girls trying to get his attention because let's be honest, her boyfriend was a full course meal.

The car came to a halt in front of Maya's house where a similar scene was going on. Zachary and her Dad were loading all her luggage into her car while she was having a meltdown in front of her mother.

"I don't want to go." Maya said to her mother. "Keep me here. I'll enroll myself in a community college."

"You have to go, Maya. Your Dad and I needs some alone time. It's about time we rekindle our passion." Her mother Jessica winked and Maya flushed red in embarassment.

"Ew. Can't you at least pretend to be a normal mother?" Maya huffed angrily.

"What can I say? I'm a cool mom." Her mother said with a smirk. "Besides, college is fun. All the boys and tequila---" Maya's father cleared his throat, stopping her midway in the sentence.

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