25| Damsel In Distress

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Travis stopped the car in front of the school's building and the sound of music blasting from inside forced him to contemplate the decision of attending the bonfire.

"We can still ditch this and go eat a burger." He suggested and earned a smack on his shoulder.

"No you pussy, you can't back out at the last moment. This is senior year and I won't let you spend it locked inside your bedroom." Mario said and hopped out of the car.

"I guess Mario is right. There is no harm in interacting with our classmates." Maya said and Travis angled his neck at her betrayal.

"It's that Zachary who is feeding you such nonsense." He grumbled.

"Nobody is feeding me any nonsense. Being a little social won't hurt. We have to learn these things if we want to join any Ivy League." She said and walked out of the car. "Are you coming or not?"

"Fine." Travis groaned and then walked out of the car, following his friends towards the gate.

As soon as they entered the school ground, the sound of music intensified and Travis prepared himself for a massive headache. Parties weren't his cup of tea, although that has earned him the title of boring many times.

Most of the students were gathered around the massive fire burning in the middle of the ground. A stage was set-up in a corner, occupied by a DJ. Some students were dancing, some were busy chugging food and some were gathered in circles and playing games.

His eyes looked around, eager to see a certain girl with brown hair and brown eyes. His gaze searched through the familiar faces until it settled on Zoey leaning against a guy. There were laughing at something and the sight caused a strange burning in the pit of Travis's belly.

He knew the guy; he was a basketball player and a friend of Ethan and Zachary. He always knew Zoey liked such guys; popular and handsome with personality the size of a pear. She deserved someone better, someone who would connect to a more deeper level to her, someone who won't consider her just a piece of meat but an actual human being.

"Do you need some peanut butter with the jelly?" Mario's voice reached his ears and he turned around in confusion.

"What jelly?" He asked, looking around.

"Jelly. It means you are jealous of that guy, you stupid." Mario shrugged and Travis's eyes narrowed to slits.

"Why the fuck would I be jealous of that guy? He looks dumb." Travis defended.

"Yeah, but you do wish it was you instead of him standing near her. You like her, Travis. It's about time you admit it to her." Mario said, resting his elbow on his shoulder.

"I don't like her. She is a brat and every time I try to think otherwise, she just go out of her way to prove to me that I was right about her." Travis replied in an irritated tone. He still hasn't forgiven her for ruining his grades.

"Maybe that's your type." Mario said and before Travis could smack the back of his head, he had moved towards a group of girl to try his luck.

Travis gave another look to Zoey. She was wearing jeans and a black halter top, her hair tied in a pony tail. She looked beautiful like she always does. It doesn't matter what she wears, she still manages to knock the breath out of Travis' lungs.

The smoke in the air made his throat dry so he made his way to the food corner and poured the fruit punch in a glass. The taste felt unfamiliar, a bit too sharp for a fruity drink. With each sip, he became more adjusted with the taste and when his glass emptied, he felt the need to refill the glass.

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