65| Of Friends And Family

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In the lounge of Crawford mansion, Zoey and Travis were sitting on the couch and on the opposite couch was Richard Crawford, staring down at both of them with a displeased expression on his face. Rose was standing at a side with her head lowered, as if she was the one who got caught making out.

"Do you both have any idea what you have done?" Richard's voice echoed in the lounge.

Zoey gulped before replying, "Kinda. I mean, I think it's called kissing. I've seen in movies." She said innocently and Travis blew the air out of his mouth at this.

"Zoey!" He grumbled. "Do I look like I am kidding?"

"No. And neither are we. It was not a hormonal make-out session. We really like each other." She said and Rose gasped at her bluntness.

Richard ignored Zoey and turned his head towards Rose in an accusing manner.

Travis who was silent until now finally spoke, "Mom didn't know anything. It's not her fault."

"It is. She should have taught you your limits." Richard replied.

"Dad, stop blaming him. I was the one who initiated it." Zoey defended him, scooted closer to his seat.

"I know because you never leave any stone unturned to make my life a hell. He should've known better. He should have been mature enough to not give in to your rebellious tendencies." Richard groaned.

Zoey furrowed her brows and grunted, "My relationship with Travis is not a rebellion. I lo..." She took a pause and looked around to see if anybody noticed what she almost said. For her relief, nobody did. "I like him, a lot. And you are the one who said he is a nice guy."

"He is nice. But there is a difference between you and him." Richard replied.

"What difference? Because last I remember, he is the one going to Harvard while your daughter failed you again by not even going to college. So I don't get it. What's the fucking difference?" Zoey questioned back.

"Zoey!" Richard snarled.

Travis, who was listening to all this with shame and guilt spoke again, "I understand what you are saying, sir. Zoey and I belong to different classes in a society but I've been told that you were once the same. A lower middle class person aspiring to change the world one day. I just wish you will give me the benefit of doubt. I like your daughter and I have the potential to make her happy."

Richard stopped speaking for a second and kept staring at both of them with a constipated look on his face. Zoey eyed Travis from the corner of her eyes and found him doing the same.

"Rose!" He finally announced and stood up. "Handle your kid."

"Y... Yes, sir." Rose replied.

After he had stomped out of the lounge, Travis stood up to his mother. "Mom, I am sorry---"

Rose didn't let him complete the sentence and walked past him in anger. Now alone in the lounge, they both kept staring at each other without speaking anything.

After few seconds, a head peeked through the window at the right wall just beside them, causing both of them to jump up in scare. "For what's it's worth, I approve of him." Sam whispered to Zoey. Despite the gloomy atmosphere, it made them smile.


Next morning, on reaching the school ground, the first thing Zoey did was to look around for Travis. They hadn't spoken after what happened yesterday and she wasn't sure if he wanted to continue this relationship or not. For the first time in life, she was scared of losing someone.

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