16| How The Tables Turned

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It has been 15 minutes since Maya was waiting for Zachary and he was still not here. They had decided to meet in the school ground because according to Zachary, he wasn't used to studying in quiet places like a normal person, much to Maya's irritation.

When he finally decided to grace her with his presence, Maya passed him a narrowed glare.

"What? I had some important thing to do first." Zachary smiled at her in his typical boyish manner but Maya was resistant to such charms.

"More important than passing Calculus?" She raised her eyebrows.

He just shrugged in response and looked around for an appropriate place to sit. "Let's not waste any more time, shall we?" He walked forwards while Maya silently followed him as they made their way to a giant tree behind the stairs.

They both sat down beneath the tree and pulled out their notebooks.

"So how much have you prepared?" Maya asked, opening her notes. Her neatly kept notebook was complete opposite to the mess of a notebook that Zachary brought.

"Um... Well..." He fumbled with the pages.

"Don't tell me you haven't done anything at all." She widened her eyes and Zachary once again shrugged.

"I had a practice match." He reasoned.

"Oh God, you are lagging far behind. Making you pass the exam is literally impossible." She said and hid her face in between her palms. She could've done anything else to earn the credits but she was stuck doing something impossible.

"Don't be overdramatic, Maya. I'll cover everything. You just have to teach me once." He said and rested his back against the bark of the tree.

"How exactly will you cover it?" She asked.

"Try me." He passed her his signature smirk that had the ability to make every girl of Majesty High swoon.

Shaking her head in disappointment, Maya opened an empty page and started solving the question. Zachary stared at her in amusement as she wholeheartedly tried to explain the problem to him. She tried to teach him in the easiest way possible but when he still failed to get his answer right, a huge frown appeared on her forehead and her nose scrunched upwards, amusing Zachary even more.

"God, it's like you are not even trying." She exasperated, clenching her eyes in annoyance. "I'll explain it once again. Focus this time." She said and once again solved the problem. This time, Zachary decided to actually listen to her instead of just noticing her quirky ways of moving her hands in exaggeration.

When it was his turn, he easily solved it this time because in reality, he was a quick learner, the only thing he lacked was focus. "See, told you."

"Don't get cocky. We still have eight more problems." Maya smirked this time and Zachary groaned.

They were busy in solving the questions when suddenly, they found Blaire Willows walking towards them. Maya watched as Zachary's face contorted when Blaire sat beside him, leaning slightly onto him. "What are we doing?"

"We are studying." Zachary pointed at Maya and himself.

"Why? Exams are still months away. The semester has just started." She said as she ignored Maya completely and continued talking to Zachary.

"I'm failing Calculus." He said and slid away from her a little.

"So what? You'll catch up. Come on, let's go eat something." She said and stood up, extending her hand for him.


"Come on, the whole team and all the cheerleaders are going for pizza. My treat. How can we go without you?" She said, pouting a little.

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