26| Drunkards and Potterheads

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The car came to a halt in the Crawford's parking lot and Zoey walked out of it. She then moved to the passenger seat and opened the door slowly. "Come on, Anderson. Let's go inside." She said and untied his seatbelt, feeling a little spark when her fingers grazed against his taut stomach.

"Let me sleep in the car." He said without even opening his eyes and snuggled deeper into the seat.

"Not when you stink like a garbage can. Come on, I don't want you to choke on your own vomit." She said and attempted to pull him out of the car. This guy was too heavy for someone this lean. It was nearly impossible to pull him out but Zoey accomplished the deed successfully after trying for five minutes.

"I don't want to." He said groggily, leaning against the car.

"Yes, you do." She said and dragged him forwards inside the house. She just hoped Rose would have left by now. Mostly when Zoey and Sam aren't at home, she leaves early and tonight was one of those occasions. Sam had a sleepover and she had the bonfire.

It took them almost fifteen minutes to reach her room because of Travis's reluctance to do so. He was a stubborn mess when drunk, a hot yet gross mess.

Once they were inside the room, Travis went to her bed and attempted to lie down but Zoey rushed to him first and stopped him by gripping his arm.

"You are covered in your vomit, Travis. You have to clean up first." She said and took him to the bathroom first.

She asked him to lean against the wall while she carefully unbuttoned her shirt, ignoring how fast her heart was thumping. They were alone inside her bathroom, with one of them going to be almost naked for the next few minutes. This was not how she expected tonight to go.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a hint of crimson colour rising to his cheeks.

"Cleaning you up." She said and guided his arms out of the shirt. Her lungs stopped working for a moment as her eyes glided down his lean ruggedness. She had seen him shirtless before when she spent the night at his place but in the dark, she couldn't appreciate his body. Now in the bright bathroom, his defined muscles were too hard to ignore.

Before she could reach his jeans with slightly trembling hands, he stopped her and slid away. "I'll... I'll do it myself." He said.

"Fine." She said and turned around, trying to regain control of her own breathing. He shuffled behind him, taking a little too long to take off the jeans. Once he was done, he sat on the edge of her jacuzzi and closed his eyes.

"Just..." Her mouth dried up momentarily as her gaze followed the contours of his muscular thighs until they stopped at his boxers. "Just stay like this. I'll bring some of Dad's pyjamas for you."

Not waiting for his response, she rushed out of the bathroom as soon as possible. This was not the first time she was with an almost naked guy but with him, it felt too scandalous, as if she was doing something wrong by looking at him.

Fanning her heated cheeks, she went to her Dad's room and took a pair of pyjamas from his closet. Once she reached back to the bathroom, she found Travis sitting inside the tub with the shower on; the hot water of the shower streaming down his muscular back created a fuzzy sensation in Zoey's stomach.

"Come on, let's get you changed." She said and attempted to turn off the shower but before she could do so, Travis stood up and his hands locked around her wrists.

"Wh... What are you doing?" She stuttered badly due to his proximity.

"You stink too." He said with sleepy eyes and motioned towards her own shirt covered with some of the vomit.

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