62| Freaking Out

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Zoey and Zachary were sitting under the maple tree, waiting for the rest of their group to arrive. Sitting cross legged, she was staring at the cheerleader preforming their routine in boredom. Beside her, Zachary was scrolling down his Instagram when his eyes stopped at the new upload of Maya. It was a picture of her sitting in a garden, smiling at the camera. Her fiery curls were ruffled because of the wind and some free locks were falling on her face.

"Stop stalking like a creep and just talk to her." Zoey said as she peeked at his screen.

"I tried talking to her and she is giving me silent treatment since then." Zachary groaned.

"So do the same. Girls go crazy when a guy ignores them. Believe me." Zoey suggested.

"I don't want to ignore her. I just want her to talk to me. Her presence makes everything bright and special." Zachary said and Zoey stared at him in confusion. She couldn't imagine that it was the same guy who was never seen with a girl two days in a row.

"Man, you really are whipped." She said and earned a frown from him.

"What is it about me? Why do all the girls I like ends up friend-zoning me? First you and now Maya." Zachary stated, heaving a sigh.

"My case was different. But Maya, that girl is a gem Zach. Don't let her slip through your fingers." Zoey said and that's when she found Travis passing by the ground. All the other thoughts left her mind and her focus shifted to him.

He looked so cute as he walked past her with his eyes zoomed in on his notebook, a confused frown plastered on his forehead. He was unknowingly biting his lips, something he did very often, not that she minded. His light brown hair was falling on his forehead and she felt the urge to push them back and uncover his beautiful face.

A cough broke her trance and she stared at Zachary who was sheepishly smirking beside her. "So who is the whipped one among us?" He asked and Zoey blushed hard.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled in return.

"These two have created a havoc in our lives." He muttered under his breath and Zoey nodded in affirmation.

For the next few minutes, they remained silent until Ethan's car finally stopped behind them in the parking lot. To their surprise, Ethan didn't walk out alone. Instead, he opened the passenger seat for someone and after a brief moment, Althea stepped out.

Together, they both walked towards the ground where Zoey and Zachary was sitting. Their locked hands turned some heads but both of them remained oblivious. As usual, they sat down at their usual spots, ignoring Zoey and Zachary's widened eyes.

"Is someone going to explain what the heck is going on?" Zoey asked.

"Nothing." Ethan said calmly.

"Really? So why is your hand glued to my sister's back?" Zachary pointed towards Ethan's arm that was around her waist.

"Stop being so curious. It's not a big deal. Ethan and I are a couple now." Althea replied as if it was an insignificant detail.

"What?" Zoey and Zachary yelled in synchronisation.

"When did that happen?" Zoey asked.

"Last night." Althea shrugged.

"But... But how?" Zachary asked. "I mean, you couldn't even stand in the same room as him a week ago."

"Things change. Get over it, brother." Althea shrugged again and Zachary exchanged a confused glance with Zoey.

"Well, as your brother, it's my duty to warn Ethan but knowing you, it's him I am worried about." Zachary teased.

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