28| Caught In The Act

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In the Algebra class, Travis was sitting behind Zoey just like every other day. The teacher was rambling on and on about the equation while Travis had his whole focus on Zoey's back. Her hair was pulled up in a braided bun over her head, leaving her long delicate neck uncovered. He noticed a beauty mark just behind her right ear, hidden behind few curly tendrils of her dark hair. Her skin looked soft and extra sensitive, as if slight pressure would cause it to redden. The thought caused him to imagine kissing the place where the curve of her neck met the creamy shoulder. 'Will it leave a hickey?' He wondered.

"Mr. Anderson, is the back of Miss. Crawford's head more interesting than what I am teaching you?" He stopped right beside Travis' seat who jumped up in surprise and then embarassment filled him on being caught.

Zoey angled her neck to look at him and a teasing smirk appeared on her mouth, reddening his cheeks even more.

"Everything about Zoey is more interesting than what you're teaching." A guy in the back said and the rest of the class burst out laughing, angering Mr. Burke even more.

"Would you please mind your own business Joey?" He said to that guy and then turned his attention back to Travis.

"I... I was listening to you." Travis lied, ignoring Zoey's eyes on him.

"Really? What was I teaching then?" He asked and before Travis could look at the board, he blocked his vision with his body.

"Um... I guess... Well..." Travis's mind went black because this was probably the first time he had been caught not paying attention. And the worse thing was, this was his first year in Mr. Burke's class otherwise his reputation for good grades might have helped him.

"I guess you will remember in the detention, Mr. Anderson." He said and Travis groaned. Never in the last three years did he get a single detention. Huffing, he threw daggers at a very amused Zoey and turned his head to the board.


"My future is ruined now." Travis exaggerated as he kept his eyes on road.

"Oh stop, you crybaby. It was just a detention." Maya said from the back seat of the car.

"You should have looked at his face in the class. He was about to explode in embarassment." Mario laughed and earned a scowl from Travis.

"By the way, why were you staring at Zoey?" Maya teased and another blush crept up his cheeks.

"He was trying to find the secret entry to Narnia." Mario replied and Maya burst out laughing at this.

"Fuck off. There was something on her shirt that caught my interest." He lied to clear himself.

"On her shirt or inside her shirt?" Mario said and Travis extended his hand to slap his cheek.

Once they reached Mario's house, Mrs. Giovanni invited them in for lunch. She told them that she had made her special Mushroom Risotto and hearing that, Maya and Travis's mouth watered.

Maya called her Dad to tell him they will be late for work today and then they both went inside. As Mrs. Giovanni served them the Rissoto, Mario's all four siblings kept fighting in the background, making it impossible for them to talk. The whole house was echoed with the voices of the stubborn boys who looked ready to tear each other apart any minute now.

Amidst the chaos, Travis took the first bite and his taste buds exploded at the creamy taste. It reminded him of his own mother's food. Since she started the job, it was only on rare occasions when he gets to eat something cooked of her hands. Before he knew, he was digging the food into his mouth as if he had been starving for months.

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