8| Of Misery And More Misery

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The Saturday morning started for Travis with a cup of coffee and a message from Zoey asking for his address. He immediately regretted the decision of inviting her to study at his house. She lived in a freaking mansion and his whole house could be fit into the lounge of her house. He wasn't ashamed of it but somehow, Zoey always manages to make him conscious.

He spent the whole morning cleaning every corner of the house to make it look more presentable. And then went to take a shower to wipe off the dirt and to dress up in the best clothes he owned.

It was almost 1 in the afternoon when Zoey's driver stopped the car in front of Travis' house. She stepped out of the car and looked around herself. She had never been to this part of the city before. The streets here were narrow and all the house were too small for a normal family to live, or maybe they were normal and she was used to being in gigantic houses too big for a family.

Sighing, she reached the door and knocked on it. After a minute or two, Travis opened the door and Zoey's heartbeat quickened on seeing him. He was wearing a black button-up shirt with jeans and the top buttons of the shirt were open, giving a peek of his tanned skin. He was definitely muscular, but not in a way someone who spends a lot of time in gym is.

"Come on in." He said and Zoey followed him inside. The house was quite neat and clean for one of its size, with everything looking immaculate and spot-free.

"You can go sit in the lounge. I'll bring my books." He said and walked up the stairs.

After he left, Zoey looked around and it didn't take her long to find the lounge. As she entered inside, her gaze landed on a man sitting by the window on a wheelchair. He had same hair as Travis and it didn't exactly take a genius to guess he was his father.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson." She walked towards him and smiled.

The man lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at the intruder. Without responding, he looked back to where his gaze was before and ignored Zoey completely. So that's where Travis gets his attitude from, Zoey thought.

"I am Zoey, Travis' um... Class fellow." Zoey said to tell him that she wasn't a thief of anything but again, no response.

"Zoey," Travis called his name and she angled her neck to look at him. "Let's go upstairs." He said.

Nodding, Zoey made her way behind Travis and followed him to his room. It was a small room that consisted of a single bed, a cupboard and a study desk. They both settled on his bed that was too small for two people, face to face and opened their books.

"Okay so will give it a second read and then present our views to each other." Travis said and focused his attention to his book.

"Second? What about first?" She asked in confusion.

"Didn't you study at home?" He asked, looking surprised, as it was something unusual to do.

"No, I had a sleepover the night before yesterday and a gala to attend last night." She cleared.

Travis took a deep breath and she could feel him trying his best not to judge her lifestyle. At the end, he just sighed and asked her to give it at least one read.

Within five minutes of reading, Zoey got bored and hopped out of the bed instead, feeling Travis' curious gaze on her. "Let me get some fresh air." She said and walked towards the window to look out of it. The window was just beside his study table and on the wall was attached few pieces of papers. He had sketched some random faces on them and the sketches looked almost real.

"Do you sketch?" She asked him.

"Unless an artist broke into my house and pasted these on my wall, I do." He said and Zoey rolled her eyes.

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