13| Bad Boy's Tutor Girl

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Parking the car in the usual spot, Travis along with his friends made his way towards the school but the screeching noise of a car behind forced them to stop in their tracks.

Travis watched silently as Zoey's driver opened the door for her and she stepped out, her dark brown hair styled in cute braids with hair sticking out every here and there. He expected her to walk past him without acknowledging him like the last three years but suddenly, she stopped beside him. "Morning, Anderson."

"Um... Good morning." He said, all the while feeling Maya and Mario's questioning gaze on him.

Before she could talk further, Althea waved at her from a distance and she made her way to her while Travis started walking to the other side of the ground.

"You both seem cozy." Maya teased him and Travis shook his head.

"We are not. She just knows my name because we are partners in Literature." Travis told them. "Just because we have talked few times doesn't mean our worlds are suddenly merged together."

"You underestimate yourself, Trav." Mario said, rubbing his muscular arm. "You are hot, like tear-the-clothes-off hot. No homo though."

"Can we change the topic now?" He asked and both of them shrugged. They sat down on their usual spot in the ground. While Maya and Mario started talking about their US history class which Mario was failing badly, Travis looked around the ground.

Unwillingly, his eyes moved to Zoey and her friends sitting on the other side. They were laughing at some joke that Ethan cracked. Zoey was scrunched forwards, a wide smile plastered on her face. On hearing whatever Zachary said, she threw her head back and laughed elegantly. His friends were wrong; he was an outsider for Zoey and she was just being nice to him because of their shared assignments.

Someone coughed to clear her throat beside him and he angled his neck to look at Maya smirking. "Now what?" He asked.

"Nothing." She shrugged but the expression on her face said otherwise.

Maya knew better than pestering him any more so she silently made her way to her Calculus class. She seated herself in her usual seat and waited for the class to fill so that Mr. Kevin would start teaching.

While she was taking out her notebooks, she found a particular set of eyes on her. Lifting her head, she caught Zachary Harper looking at her from his usual seat while the girl sitting beside him was talking continuously and waiting to get a reaction out of him.

Zachary was the most popular guy in their school, not only because of his affluent parents but because of his looks, his basketball talent, his golden brown hair and his high cheekbones as well. Maya has always found him surrounded by people, wishing to be his friends or even his acquaintances.

Maya would never understand this though. Sure he was hot but there is more to people than just their looks and popularity. She preferred being friends with people who were a little grounded and less full of themselves. She felt uncomfortable in the presence of jack of all trades like Zachary and that's why even though they had always shared a class or two, she never tried to talk to him until few nights ago, when he saved her from getting arrested.

The class started and it was the day Mr. Kevin was supposed to return their tests. Just like she had thought, she got an A on the test while half of the class barely passed.

The rest of the lecture went usual, with the class discussing about their marks and the teacher going on and on about the next exercise.

Once the class ended, everyone started to disperse but Maya stayed behind because she needed to talk to Mr. Kevin about some extra credits in Calculus.

After the class cleared up, she made her way to the teacher's desk but someone beat her and reached there first. It was Zachary who looked ready to explode any minute. "I can't get an F. Mr. Kevin please, you know I can't fail a test. My father won't let me play basketball anymore."

"I can't do anything about it, Zachary. Your performance in Calculus is getting worse since last year." He said and Zachary's scowl deepened.

"Give me another chance, please. I can't afford to fail." He said, almost begged and Maya felt bad for him.

"Zachary, I can't give you any special treatment just because you are Senator Harper's son." Mr. Kevin said in finalizing tone.

"I'm not asking for any special treatment. Just let me take the test again after the intercollegiate tournament next week. I'll improve, I promise. I am doing this for school reputation. Please try to understand." Zachary propped his hands on the desk and requested in the gentlest voice possible.

Mr. Kevin started pondering over his request and that's when he noticed Maya standing there. "Yes Miss. Andrews, do you have anything to say?"

Even Zachary turned around to look at her and she suddenly felt conscious. "Um... Yeah. I needed to talk to you about some extra credits in Calculus."

Mr. Kevin's eyes switched between Maya and Zachary and after a brief moment of contemplation, an idea ran through his mind.

"You want to earn extra credit?" He asked and Maya nodded. "Tutor Mr. Zachary Harper and make sure he passes the test."

He said and frown lines appeared on Maya's forehead.


After eating dinner and doing the dishes, Travis made his way to his room to do some of his homework. It was 11 in the night and he had a lot to do before be could finally sleep. He took off his shirt and then cozied himself in the bed, bringing his books with him.

Half an hour had passed when his phone started ringing. He had expected it to be a call from Maya or Mario but when the screen showed Zoey's number, confusion filled his mind.

"Yes." He picked it up and answered.

"Remember when you took an oath to be a good friend and help me whenever I am in stuck in a problem?" She said and Travis scrunched his nose up.

"No, I don't remember any such thing." He said.

"Too late to back out, you have to help me now. Come to your window." She said. Hopping out of the bed, Travis went to the window and looked outside. Zoey was standing in front of his house with a cute pout on her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Um... I kinda had a small fight with my father and umm... I kinda left the house to teach him a lesson." She said through the phone, making an innocent face at Travis who was peeking out of his window. "In short, I need a place to crash tonight and your house is the last place my father would check."


This is going to be fun. :P

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