73| The After-effects

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Zoey could hear people screaming beside her. There were voices of machines beeping, of doctors and nurses rushing around her, of the gurneys and crash carts. There were few voices that she could recognize, like that of her father. She tried to wake up but her body felt like it was run over by a truck or something. Everything hurt, her head, her stomach, her skin, her legs.

Soon, an oxygen mask was put on her mouth to help her breathe and then she felt a prick, followed by sudden numbness and relief of pain. She felt like she was going into warm embrace of sleep and she couldn't figure out if it was just sleep or she was dying.

Maybe she was dying; maybe that's why she didn't feel pain anymore.


When she opened up her eyes next, a white ceiling greeted her. She blinked twice and then tried to move but her body felt too weak. Angling her neck, she saw Travis sitting on the stool, his face hidden in between his palms.

"H... Hey." She muttered weakly but he didn't hear it.

"T... Tra... Travis." She tried to speak up.

Travis' head jerked towards her and his eyes widened. Standing up, he leapt towards Zoey and called for the nurse. "God, are you okay?" He asked, leaning down to cup her cheek.

"Ah..." His sudden touch on her wounded face made her wince

"Sorry." He said and that's when the doctor appeared in the room. He assessed her for a moment, checking her vitals and then shone some light in her eyes that made her head ache in pain. Her body felt so fragile, as if it would break by a light touch.

"How is my daughter, doctor?" She heard her Dad's voice coming from the door. His eyes looked swollen and there were tear stains on his cheeks.

"Her CT and other tests are clear but we need to keep her here until full recovery." The doctor told him and then pointed towards her junior. "Dr. West will keep an eye on her."

After both doctors left, Richard stood on one side of her bed and Travis on the other. "Zoey, how do you feel?" Richard asked.

"T... Tired." She breathed out and closed her eyes.

She could hear her Dad talking with Travis and telling him about the driver who died on spot. She also heard about Maya and Althea. Both of them were still in the surgery. From their conversation, it appeared that Zoey was lucky. She fell out of the car before it rolled over. Althea and Maya couldn't leave the car in time and they got stuck inside an upside down car.

"Doctor has asked me to give her sedative." A nurse said.

Soon, Zoey felt another prick on her arm. The thought of the accident and her friends escaped her mind and she felt herself succumbing to the darkness once again.


This time when she woke up, she felt a lot better. She was still in pain but it was a lot less than before. Stretching her neck, she turned her head to a side and found Rose sitting on the bench by her side.

"How do you feel now, Miss. Zoey?" She asked. Her voice sounded hoarse, as if she had cried recently.

"Better." She said. "What happened? Where is Dad and Travis?"

"I'm here." Travis' voice reached her ears. He reached her bed and motioned something to Rose with his eyes. Rose nodded in return and walked out of the room.

Travis' own face was pale like someone who had seen a ghost recently. "What happened? Where were you?" She asked.

"I... I just went to buy coffee." He said but there was no sign of coffee in his hands. "Are you okay?" He knelt in front of her.

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