Secret Boyfriend

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Betty was sitting in the lounge with her best friends: Archie, Veronica and Kevin, while they talked about random shit when suddenly Betty got a notification.

On text:

Jughead- Hey beautiful, I know we haven't seen each other in a while but I love you and miss you.

Betty- I love you and miss you too!!! Now when can I see you!!!???

Jughead- Soon, I promise, I've just been so busy with school and the serpents.

Betty- I know, I just wish we went to the same school.

Jughead- Me too, but don't worry, soon enough I'll get to hold you again.

Betty- Yay!

Jughead- I gotta go but have a great day at school love.

Betty- I will, you too.

Jughead- 😘

Betty- 😘

Off text:

She put her phone down in her lap and looked back up at her friends not even realising she had a huge smile on her face.

Veronica- B, what's that smile about?

Betty- Huh? I'm not smiling.

Kevin- Don't lie to us B.

Veronica- Yeah, was it that boyfriend we still know nothing about?

Betty- Maybe... (smirks)

Veronica- Oh come on!

Betty- What?

Kevin- Why can't we meet him?

Betty- Because.

Veronica- Ugh B! At least tell us something about him!

Kevin- Yeah, for a start, what's his name?

Archie- Guys calm down, Betty doesn't have to tell us anything about him if she doesn't want to.

Betty- Thank you Archie.

Archie- Of course, but I do have one question.

Betty- Oh god. (giggles)

Archie- Does he make you happy?

She nodded and started blushing.

Veronica- Aww B!!!

Archie- I'm happy for you.

Kevin- We all are...but I still want to know who he is.

Betty- Don't worry Kev, I'll tell you soon, just not yet.

Then the beautiful Redhead known as Cheryl, Betty's cousin, walked through the doors.

Cheryl- So chums, what are we talking about today?

Veronica- Betty's secret boyfriend.

Cheryl- I see.

Cheryl sat down next to Betty and winked at her having known everything about this mystery boy of hers.

The group of friends continued to talk until they heard the sound of the loudspeaker travel through the school.

Weatherbee- Students of Riverdale high, due to some unforeseen circumstances Southside high will be closing. All Southside high students will be transferring today and for all who come here will be welcomed with open arms. That is all.

Every student was left in shock. The Southsiders are known to be "troublesome and dangerous". But to Betty they weren't and she was really excited. Then she thought about the fact that her friends still don't know about Jughead, and her heart began to race.

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