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They all had the best summer together, the best summer of their lives...

But it was ending.

And today was the day...

The day they were all leaving...

To start the rest of their lives.

The four best friends met at pops early in the morning before they all had to get on their flights going to completely different places.

Archie was going to the Naval Academy in Mayland, Veronica was going to Columbia, Jughead to the University of Iowa and Betty to Yale.

None of them wanted to leave one another but they had to start their lives somewhere and this is how they had to.

As Betty and Jughead walked into Pops hand in hand, they saw their two best friends sitting in a booth.

When they sat down in their booth they all looked at eachother and felt like crying.

None of them wanted to leave the life they knew.

Archie- Guys...

Betty- I-I'm sorry, I c-can't do this. (cries)

She got out of the booth and ran into the bathroom and threw up.

She couldn't handle everything.

After a few seconds of her sitting on the floor crying she heard a knock on the door.

She got up and opened the door; as she did her best friends and boyfriend wrapped their arms around her.

They wished they could stay like that forever, but they knew that's not how life works.

As those last few minutes that they could stay together went by...they all had to leave...

But before they did the four of them stood outside of the Cooper/Jones house.

They all stood together and hugged, not wanting to let each other go.

But they had too.

Archie- G-Guys, my flight leaves in two hours...I have to go.

Veronica- M-Me too. (tears)

Betty- N-No... (sobs)

Jughead- Betts...

Betty- I d-didn't realise how hard this would actually b-be...to let you go. (sobs)

Archie- Betty, we will all keep in touch. We're never going to stop being best friends.

Veronica- H-He's right, and I promise to visit you guys as much as possible. (tears)

Betty- O-Okay...I love you guys. (sobs)

Jughead, Archie & Veronica- We love you.

They all hugged one last time before Archie and Veronica left to go to the airport.

Then it was just down to two.

Betty and Jughead sat outside their house for thirty minutes just holding each other until FP came outside.

FP- Jug, we have to get going.

Jughead- O-Okay.

He stood up and Betty broke down.

He knelt down and hugged her so tight.

Jughead- Betty, I love you so fucking much and I promise that if I have any bit of frre time I will call you and I will visit you at Yale all the time.

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