Addicted to you pt 1

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It was Comic Con 2016.

The Riverdale cast had only just started filming the series, but they had gotten to know each other for months now.

And though those few months were short, they were long enough for Cole and Lili to both realise that they liked each other.

But anyways, the whole cast had arrived at their hotel in LA waiting to get their room assignments for the weekend.

They weren't going to be at the hotel for many hours because they would be out during the day, but they were going to be sleeping there for three nights.

As they waited in the lobby to get their room keys, one of the front desk people had come up to them with some news that two people were not prepared for.

Hotel Worker- I am so sorry, we accidentally overbooked Miss Lili's room, is it possible for she and Mister Cole Sprouse to share a room since they were supposed to be next to each other?

Roberto- Lili? Cole?

Cole- That's fine, I don't mind. Lil's?

Lili- Um, s-sure. (nervously)

Cami smirked at her having known that she had a crush on him, but she instantly slapped the girl's arm, making her fake cry in pain.

Then they got their keys to go to their rooms.

As the cast took the elevators up Lili and Cami were whispering to each other, but the whole conversation was Lili completely freaking out.

Lili- What am I going to do? How am I going to share a room with him? (whispers)

Cami- Calm down girl, this is a good thing, you can finally have your chance with him! (whispers)

Lili- No, this is not a good thing! This is going to make our relationship so awkward! (whispers)

Cami- I doubt that babe. Honestly you should just shoot your shot. I mean who knows, he might like you too. (smirks while whispering)

Lili- Yeah right. (whispers)

Cami- You never know until you try. (whispers)

Lili- (sighs) We'll see how it all goes. (whispers)

Cami- Good luck, we're on your floor.

The elevator stopped and she sighed.

The two of them got off while everyone else continued to go up, but as they got to their room and opened the door, they realised that there was only one bed.

Lili- U-Um...

Cole- I really don't mind sharing a bed if you don't mind. But if you don't want to I can sleep on the floor.

Lili- No, I don't mind.

He nodded and jumping onto the bed, making her giggle.

Then they put their small amounts of stuff away.

Lili- D-Do you mind if I shower quickly? I feel kinda gross from the plane.

Cole- Not at all! Go ahead! But just so you know, I think you still look beautiful.

Lili- Thank you. (blushes)

As the girl giggled and blushed, she grabbed her pyjamas before going into the bathroom and taking a hot shower.

But as she walked out she saw Cole in nothing but his boxers, making her blush once again.

Cole- I love the wet hair look. (smirks)

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