Won't Tell Anyone

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{Betty and Jughead have two kids, Noah who is 17 and Elle who is 14}

Noah is the sweetest kid, he plays football, he writes, he sings as well...but only his girlfriend knows about that one.

Grace Andrews is Noah's girlfriend; obviously she is Archie and Veronica's kid.

The two of them grew up together as best friends since their parents were best friends...but as they continued to get older they realised they had real feelings for each other.

So they started dating.

They have been dating for two years now and they love each other more than anything.

But tonight Grace had to tell Noah something and she was so scared.

They met up at pops and had a nice dinner together...but she suddenly started crying.

Noah- Hey hey hey, Grace, what's wrong?

He quickly got up and ran to her side of the booth before engulfing her in a tight hug.

Noah- Shh, you're okay love, you're okay. (softly)

Grace- N-No, I'm not. (sobs quietly)

Noah- Why? What happened?

She suddenly got quiet but she was still crying so he pulled her into his chest and just stroked her hair.

Noah- I'm here, okay? (softly)

Grace- But you won't be. (sobs)

He pulled away and looked directly into her dark brown eyes.

Noah- What do you mean? What's going on?

Grace- I'm p-pregnant. (sobs quietly)

He was shocked but he just pulled her back into his arms protectively knowing she was scared.

Noah- Gracie, do you want to come back to my house so we can talk about this?

She looked up at him and nodded so they left the diner and made their way to the Jones house.

As they walked in they saw Betty and Jughead on the couch watching a movie so they snuck in as quietly as possible not wanting to talk to them yet.

Once they made their way upstairs into Noah's bedroom they just got in his bed and cuddled while beginning their conversation. But she had already started crying again.

Noah- Gracie, please don't cry.

Grace- I'm sorry...I'm just so scared and I d-don't want you to leave me. (sobs quietly)

Noah- Babe, I am never leaving you. No matter what you decide I'll be here with you.

She nodded and rested her head on his chest while he wiped her tears away.

Noah- Do you have any idea what you want to do?

She shrugged and sat up, Noah did the same before pulling Grace into his lap.

Noah- It's really up to you, okay? It's your body.

Grace- (nods) I honestly want the baby...but I'm so scared. (cries)

Noah- I know baby, I know, but we can do this. I love you.

She nodded and turned around so she was straddling him, then she let her head fall into the crook of his neck.

Noah- I didn't hear an "I love you too".

Grace- I love you too. (giggles)

The two of them stayed cuddled up in Noah's bed for a while and continued to talk about everything. They decided they weren't going to tell anyone yet especially since they're young and they'd all be mad...but then realised it was late and Grace needed to go home.

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