Being here pt 2

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~Nine years later~

{Juniper and Dagwood are 16, Betty and Jughead are 34 and their bio daughters Mia and Hope (also twins) are both 5}

Betty, Jughead, Juniper, Dagwood, Mia and Hope were all sitting at the dinner table about to start eating but before they did they suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Mia- Mama, who's here?

Betty- I'm not sure, love...Jug?

Jughead- I'll go look, you guys stay here and start eating.

They all nodded.

Jughead got up and went to the door, opening it slowly.

But the woman standing in front of him was someone he never thought he'd see again.

Jughead- Betty, come here.

She got up and walked to Jughead who was standing looking at someone, but she couldn't tell who...

But as she stood next to him, she saw her mother.

Alice- Hi Elizabeth.

Betty- What the hell are you doing here?

Alice- Jeez Elizabeth, I thought you would speak to your mother with a little more respect than that.

Betty- I lost all respect for you when you left me to take care of two seven year olds all by myself.

Alice- (sighs) Well, I'm here now. So can I please come in.

Betty- No.

Alice- Excuse me?

Betty- You heard what I said.

She leaned into Jughead's arms and allowed him to hold her close.

Then they heard they're son call for them.

Dagwood- Mom! Dad! Are you coming?

Jughead- Yeah, one second bud!

They turned back to Alice who now had her arms crossed over her chest, and she didn't look happy.

Alice- They call you two mom and dad?

Betty- Yeah, why do you care?

Alice- Because neither of you are their parents and you will never be, now let me see my grandchildren.

Jughead- No, you are not coming inside our house.

Betty- And for the record, Mom, we are their parents. We adopted them when they turned eight, not like you would've known or even care. So please leave.

Alice- (scoffs) I'll get them one way or another.

Then she walked away.

Jughead closed and locked the door before turning to Betty seeing her looking upset.

Jughead- Are you okay?

Betty- I never thought she'd come back. I didn't want her to come back after she literally abandoned all of us.

Jughead- I know, but she doesn't need to be a part of our lives if you don't want her to.

Betty nodded and the two of them walked back to their kids.

Hope- Dada, who was it?

Jughead- It was no one baby, just keep eating.


The next day Betty and Jughead were playing with Mia and Hope until Juniper and Dagwood walked downstairs.

Mia- Juni!

Hope- Dag!

The two of them ran to their siblings and they each picked up one kid.

Mia- Mama I'm hungry.

Juniper- Same!

Dagwood- Can we get pops?

Hope- Please?!

Betty- Sure. (giggles)

Everyone got their shoes and jackets on before they went out to the car and drove to Pops.

But while the six of them were enjoying a nice lunch together, they heard the bell to the diner ring.

Suddenly she was next to them.

Alice- Elizabeth, Forsythe, lovely to see you again.

Jughead- Alice, go away. We don't need you near our children.

Alice- You mean Polly's children and then whoever they are.

Betty- Mom, that is enough. If you wanted to be a part of any of your grandchildren's lives then you could've been, but you left when we needed you. And these two are mine and Jughead's biological kids so don't tell me that they're not.

Alice- Well I know Juniper and Dagwood aren't yours.

Dagwood- You're wrong!

He stood up and stood in front of his grandmother having remembered everything that happened.

Jughead- Dag, you don't have to.

Dagwood- No, I do! Juni and I both know that they aren't our biological parents, but our parents are dead. And when we had no one, they took care of us.

Juniper- They are our mom and dad whether you like it or not, Alice.

Betty and Jughead both smirked at their kids and watched as Alice scoffed.

Dagwood- You had the chance to be our grandmother, and help take care of us, but we don't need you anymore. We also don't want you anymore.

Alice- Your real parents would be disappointed in you.

Juniper- I don't think so, they look pretty proud of us right now.

A tear instantly fell from Betty's eyes as she heard the kids she watched grow up call her their real mother.

Alice- Oh my god, I don't even want to be a part of your lives if you really don't know wh0 your real parents are.

Dagwood- Good, because we still don't want it.

Then the woman scoffed before leaving.

Dagwood sat back down next to his sister and hugged her tightly before Betty and Jughead had taken their hands over the table.

Then they looked down at Mia and Hope who were very confused.

Mia- Mommy, what was that woman talking about?

Hope- Yeah, you are our Mommy and Daddy.

Betty- That's right.

Mia- So is she just crazy?

Hope- Miss crazy lady?

Betty- Yes, very. (giggles)


The rest of the day the family had just spent time together, but now Mia and Hope were both asleep.

Betty and Jughead were on the couch together watching a movie when Juniper and Dagwood had walked in.

Juniper- Can we join?

Jughead- Of course.

They two of them sat between their parents and leaned against them, wanting to hold onto them forever.

Dagwood- Mom, Dad, I'm sorry if I was being rude earlier...I just couldn't listen to Alice say those things.

Juniper- Same.

Betty- You guys weren't being rude at all, if anything, she was being rude. And I'm so sorry you had to listen to her.

Juniper- It's okay, but what we said was are our parents.

Dagwood- Yeah, you took care of us for as long as we can remember and we both love you so much for that.

Betty & Jughead- We love you too. Always.

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