Let me go

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Lili was going through some emails in her office when she heard the sound of the laundry machine.

She went to the laundry room and pulled out all of her daughters clothes; she put her clothes in the basket and walked to her daughters room.

She folded all of her laundry and started putting them in the drawers when she suddenly came across a small white stick...

With two lines.

Lili- I-Is C-Claire pregnant?

She took a few deep breaths and took the pregnancy test back to her room. She put it in her nightstand drawer and went back to her emails.


After a few hours Lili heard the front door of their house open and she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Claire- Mom, I'm home.

Lili- Okay, can you come in here for a second?

Claire- Yeah, I'm coming.

She walked into her parents room and sat on the edge of the bed.

Claire- What's up?

Lili- I have a question for you and I don't want you to freak out.

Claire- O-Okay?

Lili took her daughters hands and gave her a kiss on the head.

Lili- Are you pregnant?

Claire- W-What...h-how... (tears)

Lili- I found a pregnancy test in your drawer.

Claire- I-I (cries)

Lili- It's okay, just tell me.

She quickly pulled her hands away from her mother and ran into her room.

Lili- Claire!

Lili heard the door slam and she got up and walked to her daughters room. She tried to open the door but it was locked.

Lili- Claire can you open the door please? (tears)

She didn't answer, she just cried hysterically.

Lili- Baby please, I'm not mad at you I promise. (tears)

She kept knocking on the door trying to get into her daughter's room but Claire didn't let her mother in.

Lili- Claire please! (Tears)

Suddenly all Lili heard was glass shatter.

Lili- C-Claire! (tears)

She didn't get a response but she heard her daughter start crying louder.

Lili- Claire please, you don't want to do this! (cries)

Her cries kept getting louder until she heard her daughter scream.


Lili couldn't take it anymore so she started kicking the door, it broke pretty quickly and she ran into her daughter's room. She quickly grabbed the glass out of her hand and threw it across the room.

Lili pulled her daughter into her arms and they were now both crying hysterically.

Claire- L-Let me g-go. (sobs)

Lili- N-No I can't I...I can't lose you. (sobs)

Claire- P-Please just let me go. (sobs)

Lili- I'm sorry, I can't. (sobs)

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