The best surprise ever pt 1

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It was November 23, 2019.

Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse had been dating for 3 years and everything was perfect.

They had the perfect jobs, perfect friends, perfect families, and nothing was supposed to change.

They had just finished filming episode 12 of season 4, and now they were moving onto the next episode.

Lili stood in her trailer, holding onto the counter of her vanity while her stomach pain slowly increased.

She began having stomach pains the night before, but it was slowly getting worse and worse...she didn't want to alarm anyone though so she didn't tell anybody, not even Cole.

Once the pain decreased, she stood up straight and wiped her tears before finishing getting into her costume, then she went to her filming location: The Pops set with Cami and Kj.

Before they started shooting the three of them ran through their lines a few times, then they got in the booth and started filming.

They got about halfway through the scene when Lili could no longer speak. She gripped the table and looked down as tears began to form in her eyes.

Kj- Lili, are you okay?

Cami- What's going on?

Roberto- Cut!

Roberto ran over and stood next to Lili. They all tried to communicate with her to see if she was okay but she couldn't even speak. She was in so much pain.

Cami- Lil's, should we get Cole.

She shook her head and took a few deep breaths before looking up at everyone.

She wiped her tears away and tucked her hair behind her ear before finally responding.

Lili- I-I'm fine, my stomach just hurts...I'll be okay.

Kj- That looked like more than just your stomach hurting-

Lili- I'll be fine, I promise.

Roberto- Lili, if you're in pain-

Lili- I said I'm fine.

Roberto- (sighs) Okay...take two.

Everyone got back in position and started their second take of the scene...they were able to get through it a few more times but suddenly Lili screamed and clenched her hands tightly while pushing herself back into the booth.

Roberto- Cut!

Cami- Lili!

Cami ran over to her side of the booth and took her hand. Lili opened her eyes and turned towards Cami with tears streaming down her cheeks before saying...

Lili- S-Something's wrong. (sobs)

Cami- (nods) Shh, just try to breathe...someone call Cole!

Lili- C-Cami...I feel like I'm dying. (sobs)

Cami- N-No, you're not dying hun, I promise. (tears)

Lili gripped Cami's hand tightly and whimpered as her pain increased. But then Cole arrived.

Cole- Lil's!

Cole ran over to Lili and could instantly see how much pain she was in, that's when he turned to Cami.

Cole- What happened? (tears)

Cami- We don't know, she said her stomach hurts...but it seems like more than just that.

Roberto- Cole, take her to the hospital, she needs to see a doctor.

Cole- (nods) O-Okay, Lil's, can you walk? (tears)

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