Each other

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Betty and Jughead had been so eager lately.

A week ago Betty had found out she was pregnant, they were both excited.

Even though they were only 23 and weren't married yet, they couldn't have been happier.

So far they have had one appointment and the doctor said everything looked perfect, they even found out they were having a little girl.

So of course Betty wanted to start buying everything.

They started with just a few things: A crib, a changing table, some bibs, a few onesies, dresses, etc.

But now they two of them were just lying in bed together, talking about their baby.

Betty- Juggie, I'm already 18 weeks, shouldn't I be showing by now?

Jughead- Some people don't start showing until a little later, I think it's okay.

Betty- (nods) I can't wait to have her.

The young woman smiled widely while placing her hand on her stomach.

Jughead- Me too, I hope she's just like you.

Betty- (giggles) I want her to have your eyes.

Jughead- With your beautiful blond hair.

She giggled again before looking down at her stomach.

Then he gave her a light kiss on the forehead before she stood up.

Jughead- Hey, where are you going? (pouts)

Betty- Calm down, I just need to pee. (giggles)

Jughead- Fine, don't take too long.

She smiled and walked into the bathroom.

After a minute she was about to walk back to Jughead, but she suddenly felt extreme pain in her stomach making her begin to breathe heavily.

Betty- S-Shit... (breathes heavily)

She clutched her stomach lightly and rubbed her hand up and down her abdomen.

But then she looked down and saw blood rolling down her legs.

Instantly she began to cry.

Betty- J-Juggie! (sobs)

He immediately jumped up and bolted into the bathroom to see what was wrong.

But when he saw her standing there crying, with blood rolling down her legs, he got tears in his eyes.

Jughead- Betts... (tears)

Betty- H-Help me. (sobs)

Jughead- Shh, let's get you changed so we can go to the hospital.

She nodded and he helped her put on sweatpants before they made their way to the hospital.

As soon as they arrived they were taken to a room, but Betty hadn't stopped crying.

They ran some tests and did an ultrasound, but finally after an hour of waiting, the doctor walked into their room.

And he didn't have a smile on his face.

Betty- I l-lost the baby, didn't I? (sobs)

Doctor- You did, I'm sorry.

The doctor continued to speak to them, explaining what Betty would be allowed to do but she was just numb and everything he said just flew over her head.

Then the doctor was gone and Betty stood up.

Jughead- Betts, what are you doing? (tears)

Betty- I want to go home. (cries)

Jughead- We can, just wait a few minutes. (tears)

Betty- N-No, I want to leave. (cries)

Jughead- Betty, I know you want to go home but you just had a miscarriage, you need to lay down. (tears)

Betty- DON'T SAY THAT! (sobs)

Jughead- Babe-

Betty- NO, WE'RE GOING HOME! (sobs)

Jughead- Okay, okay. (softly)

They both left the hospital room and signed out before making their way home.

But the car ride was silent.

Neither of them spoke a word.

Then they finally arrived home.

Betty immediately ran to their bedroom, hiding under the covers while Jughead walked slowly behind her.

He stood in the doorway and sighed as he saw her crying.

He waited there for a few minutes, but then he walked in and laid right next to her.

Instantly she moved further away from him, but they both knew they needed each other so he moved back over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Then she just sobbed.

Betty- I-I'm sorry. (sobs)

Jughead- Betty...

Betty- It's all my f-fault. (sobs)

Jughead- It is not your fault. (tears)

Betty- I-I killed her. (sobs)

Jughead- No you didn't. Bad things happen sometimes but it doesn't mean it's your fault. It's just the universe telling us that we're not ready. (tears)

Betty- B-But I wanted her s-so bad. (sobs)

Jughead- I did too, but we'll get our chance to have another baby. (tears)

Betty- T-Then we'll just be replacing her. (sobs)

Jughead- We won't be replacing her, we're just going to bring another child into this world and give him or her as much love as possible. (tears)

Betty- (nods) I m-miss her already. (sobs)

Jughead- I do too, but I promise, when we have more money and maybe a bigger place we can try for another baby. (tears)

She nodded and turned around so she was facing him.

Then she just leaned into his chest.

But she continued to cry.

They both did.

Betty- I l-love you. (cries)

Jughead- I love you too. (sniffles)

It took them both a long time to finally heal from what they had lost but once they did, they were both stronger than ever.

But after a few years they had another baby girl and they couldn't have been happier.

They were both still hurt, they always would be.

Losing a child is one of the hardest things that could ever happen...

But they made it through.

They just needed each other.

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