Trusting Pt 1

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~Prom Night~

Betty- Archie, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't love you, I love Jughead.

Archie- Oh really?

Betty- Yes really.

Archie- Then why did you kiss me when we were practicing in my garage, and why did you meet me in the bunker twice?

Betty- I d-don't know, I-

Jughead- You did what?

Suddenly Betty and Archie both turned around and saw Jughead looking at both of them in disbelief.

Betty- J-Juggie I-

Jughead- Please tell me I didn't hear what I think I heard.

Archie- Jug-

Jughead- Archie, shut the fuck up! Betty...

Betty- I-It's true Jug...I'm sorry. (tears)

He scoffed and began to walk away but Betty ran up to him and stopped him by standing in front of him.

Betty- Juggie, it didn't mean anything, you have to believe me. (cries)

Jughead- Believe you? How can I believe you after you didn't tell me?

Betty- I d-don't know but I love you...not him. (cries)

Jughead- Well, you still cheated on me with him. We're done Betty, so go ahead and kiss him...even fuck him if you want.

Betty- No Juggie, please don't do this.

Jughead- It wasn't me who did this, it was all you. Goodbye.

Then he left and Betty was all alone...with Archie. But she instantly slapped him and ran away.

She went home and tried to find Jughead but as soon as she arrived at their house her mom and FP had told her that he had left with all of his stuff...

She had lost him.


Betty left for Yale a few days later and that's when Jughead went back home. Everyone had thought that he had decided to go to Iowa early but he really just disappeared until Betty had left.

He dropped out of Iowa after being really depressed and just stayed home...but he barely talked. Not even to his own father or sister.

On the other hand, Betty had an amazing time at Yale, she stayed in touch with her mom but that was about it.

She didn't return home to Riverdale for a while, she didn't want to face him.
But this year her mother had convinced her to come home for Thanksgiving.

It had been a year since both Betty and Jughead had seen each other, and she knew she was going to see him but he didn't know that she would be coming home.

As Betty Cooper arrived at her childhood home she knocked on the door and her mother answered the door instantly, hugging her as tight as she could.

Betty- This is a nice greeting mom, but I can barely breathe. (giggles)

Alice- I'm sorry honey, I just missed you so much.

Betty- I missed you too.

Alice brought her bag and let her enter the house.

Then she saw FP, Charles and Jellybean, she hugged them all and then asked the question.

Betty- I-Is Jug here? (quietly)

Jellybean- (sighs) Yeah.

Betty- Why'd you sigh, aren't you happy he's back from college?

FP- Um, Betty, he never left.

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