Love or Lust

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Lili was in her bathroom in her apartment finishing up her makeup for Halloween when she heard her phone start ringing.

On the phone:

Lili- Hello?

Cole- Hey Lili, it's Cole...I know I told people not to come until 7 tonight but can you come over a little early to help me with some makeup. I was hoping to be a clown but I'm failing at doing my makeup right now-

Lili- Yeah, I can come over early and help you. And good choice on the costume, a clown will be so easy for you to play.

Cole- Wow, harsh. When can you come over?

Lili- About 30 minutes, is that okay?

Cole- Yeah, that's fine. See you soon.

Off the phone:

Lili hung up and let out a deep breath.

Obviously Lili and Cole have to see each other a lot because they work together and have the same friends, but alone together...that was another story.

Since they had broken up (which was months ago) they have tried to give each other as much space as possible.

So tonight was going to be something.

Lili finished putting on her makeup and her fake tattoos before putting her halloween makeup in a bag to bring to Cole's apartment.

Once she had everything packed up and ready to go she left to head to Cole's apartment.

She was extremely nervous to be alone with him because she didn't know how she was going to feel about him, but as soon as she arrived all of her fears went away.

Cole- Hey! Thank you so much for coming. (smiles)

Lili- Of course, I'm always willing to help. (smiles)

Cole stepped aside, letting Lili walk in the door, but as she turned to look at him she saw him checking her out, making her blush.

Cole- I-I uh, sorry, you just look great.

Lili's costume:

Lili- (giggles) Thank you

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Lili- (giggles) Thank you...where do you want to do this?

Cole- Maybe the bathroom, it might get messy.

Lili- Yeah, I'll set everything up, but can you grab two chairs so we can sit?

Cole- (nods) On it.

Cole grabbed two chairs from the kitchen while Lili brought everything into the bathroom to get the makeup ready.

Cole- Okay, what are we starting with?

Lili- First you should put on your full costume because putting it on once your makeup is done is not the best idea.

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