Rivals in love pt 2

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~Eight Months Later~

Jughead never left Riverdale.

He couldn't leave knowing the love of his life could come back at any moment.

So he stayed and continued to be involved with the serpents, even though that wasn't at all what he wanted.

Since Betty's disappearance, the serpents and ghoulies had only gotten more violent with each other. Jughead usually didn't get involved in the fights, but since he knew Betty's parents had something to do with her disappearance, he had started causing more confrontations with other ghoulies.

It was late at night when the serpents were all in the whyte wyrm, preparing all their weapons to raid ghoulie territory. But suddenly, as they were all going over their plan, the front door burst open.

???- H-Help me, p-please. (cries)

Fp and Gladys walked up to the front of the bar where they were faced with the young girl who had tears streaming down her face.

Fp- Elizabeth Cooper...

Fp was about to walk over to her with the knife in his hand, but Gladys quickly pulled him back before walking over to the girl.

Gladys- Y-You know you shouldn't be here, you could get extremely hurt, if not killed. (softly)

Betty- I need Jughead. (cries)

And at that exact moment, he walked into the room and saw her for the first time in months.

Jughead- Betty!

He ran to her and pulled her into his arms, but as soon as his arms came around her, he felt the huge bump that was growing on her stomach.

That's when he looked down.

Jughead- Betts...

Betty- You need to help us. (cries)

Jughead- Baby...slow down. Where have you been? What's going on?

Betty- They're going to make me get rid of our baby, Jug. (cries)

Jughead- Our baby? It's mine?

Betty- (nods) They told me they were going to send it away right after I had it. (cries)

Jughead- Shh, we're going to figure this out, baby, okay? Come with me.

Jughead had his arms wrapped around her while he began to walk her to the offices in the back, but before they made it over there, Fp stopped them.

Fp- What the fuck do you think you're doing?!

Jughead- Helping my girlfriend, now move.

Fp- Your girlfriend?! Boy, she's been gone for months!

Jughead- It doesn't matter! She needs my help!

Fp- She's pregnant with another man's baby! This slut doesn't need your help!


The entire bar fell silent.

Gladys ran over to them and pulled Fp out of the way before walking into one of the offices with the young couple.

Betty sat down, with Jughead holding her tightly, and Gladys sitting across from them.

Then he spoke.

Jughead- I need you to tell me everything that happened from the night you disappeared until now.

Betty- (nods) Well, we had our plan to leave, but when I went home to pack my bag, my parents were there and they were so angry. A bunch of ghoulies had died that night and they blamed it all on me...but they were even angrier that I was in love with you. They didn't want me to ever see you again so they sent me to the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. I hated it there, I was so lonely and I missed you so much...but then I got really sick. Turns out I was pregnant. The sisters told my parents and they were going to force me to get an abortion but at that point I was already too far along for the procedure...so then they started force feeding me drugs to try to cause a miscarriage. Thankfully it didn't work...but then they said they were going to make me give the baby up for adoption. I couldn't let that happen though so I kept trying to escape, to save both the baby and myself...tonight was the first time I actually made it out. (cries)

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