Being here pt 1

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Polly had been gone for days now and everyone was terrified, specifically Juniper and Dagwood.

They didn't know where their Mother was and they didn't know when she would be coming back.

Betty and Jughead were working on the case, like old times, trying to find Polly...but right now they had nothing.

Jughead- Betty, we have nothing.

Betty- I know, but we need to find her. Maybe we should-

Suddenly they heard little footsteps.

Betty and Jughead both turned their heads quickly and saw Juniper crying while holding her bunny.

Juniper- Auntie Betty. (cries)

Betty- Sweetie, don't cry, come here.

She ran to her aunt and Betty picked her up into her arms.

Juniper- When is mommy coming home? (cries)

Betty- I don't know sweetie, we're trying to find her.

Juniper- What if she doesn't come back? (cries)

Betty- She will.

Juniper- Are you sure? (sniffles)

Betty- No...but we just need to hope.

Juniper nodded but didn't let go of Betty.

She was a little 7 year old that missed her mother and just wanted to be comforted.

So Betty just hugged her tightly while continuing to hold her.

But then there was a knock on their front door.

Juniper- Mommy?!

The little girl jumped out of her aunt's arms and ran to the door where her grandmother was already standing.

Then Betty and Jughead walked up behind them.

Sheriff Keller- I'm sorry, we were too late.

Alice - W-What?

Sheriff Keller- We found Polly's body on the side of a road.

Betty- Oh my god. (quietly)

Instantly Alice fell to the ground crying while Betty leaned back against Jughead.

He caught her before looking to see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

She turned around and hugged him tightly while crying into his shoulder. He just wrapped his arms around her.

Juniper- Auntie Betty, what happened? Where's mama?

Betty let go of Jughead and knelt down to her niece while taking her hands in hers.

Betty- Um, sweetie...mommy is- (sniffles)

Dagwood- Mommy's dead, isn't she?

They all turned to the little boy who was now beside them, then Betty nodded.

Betty- I'm sorry. (cries)

Juniper- I WANT MOMMY! (cries)

Betty- Baby, I know but- (sniffles)

The little girl pulled her hands away and ran up to her room while crying.

Dagwood was still standing there with tears in his eyes.

Dagwood- Is someone gonna take us away now? (tears)

Betty- No, no one is taking you away. Come here. (tears)

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