Addicted to you pt 2

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For the next few months Lili and Cole had begun to date secretly.

They didn't want to tell everyone if it didn't end up working out for the two of them but even though they had been together for months now, they liked that their relationship was just between the two of them.

Anyways, they were so close and loved each other so much.

They weren't living together yet because then everyone would know that they were together, but they did sleepover at each other's places almost every night.

The hardest thing was that they couldn't kiss at work, other than when they were filming scenes.

But now they were at work, laughing with each other when suddenly Cami and Mads ran up to Lili.

Cami- Lili! Lili! We had the best idea!

Lili- What? (giggles)

Madelaine- Girl's night!

Lili- U-Um, aren't we a little old for that?

Cami- You're never too old for a girls night.

Madelaine- Sooooo, what do you think?

Lili sighed and turned to Cole having wanted to spend the night with him, but he nodded wanting her to have a fun girls night.

Lili- Sure, why not. Whose place are we going to go to?

Cami- Mine of course, I have all the alcohol.

Lili- You do remember that I'm 19 right?

Madelaine- Who cares? You can still drink, but only if you want to.

Lili giggled slightly before turning to Cole who was just laughing.

Cami- What are you laughing at?

Cole- You guys get so excited over a girls night and I love it.

Lili- Oh shush. (giggles)

She hit him playfully while Cami and Mads just eyed them.

Madelaine- Well, we'll leave you two love birds to do whatever you're doing.

Lili- W-What?

Cole- No we're not-

Madelaine- Chill guys, I'm kidding.

The two of them walked away before Lili and Cole sighed.

Cole- Jesus, that was close.

Lili- Yeah...but now it's just us.

Cole- Mhm, what do you want to do? (smirks)

She giggled and jumped into his lap, kissing him passionately.

But after a few minutes of them making out they realised they had to go film another scene, so they got up and walked to the sound stage.


They all filmed for a few hours before everyone was cleared to leave, but now Lili had to say goodbye to Cole.

Cole- Babe, you'll be okay, it's one night.

Lili- But I want to be with you. (tears)

Cole- I want to be with you too, but we've been together every other night. I promise you'll be okay with the girls for a few hours.

Lili nodded as he pulled her tight into his arms, then he kissed her head softly.

After he kissed her she looked up at him with her still teary eyes so he wiped her tears away before kissing her all over her face.

Cole- No more sadness!

He continued to kiss her everywhere until he heard her giggle, but then they heard a knock on the trailer door.

Cami- Lil's, you ready to go?

Lili- Yeah, one sec!

She hugged Cole one last time before kissing his lips softly, then she left with Cami and Mads.

The three girls had an amazing time together.

They sang karaoke, ate a lot of food and even drank a little bit.

But now it was really late and they were all tired and needed to go to bed.

The three of them laid in Cami's king sized bed, Cami and Madelaine falling asleep instantly.

But Lili just couldn't fall asleep.

She laid there for a while trying to get herself to fall asleep, but then her mind began wandering, making her breathing become heavy.

She tried to quiet and calm herself down, but when she couldn't her breathing just became even heavier.

And it got to the point where she could barely breathe; that's when Cami and Mads woke up.

Cami- Lil's... (mumbles)

Madelaine- Oh my god! Lili! Cami, get up!

The two girls jumped up and tried to calm the young blonde but her breathing would slow.

But after a few more minutes she was finally able to get her words out.

Lili- C-Call C-Cole. (sobs while breathing heavily)

Cami- Cole? Why Cole?

Madelaine- Just do it!

Cami grabbed her phone and went to Cole's contact, it took him a minute to answer but once he did he was wide awake.

On the phone:

Cami- Cole, I think Lili's having a panic attack. She said to call you.

Cole- It's an anxiety attack, get her water and try to keep her calm, I'm on my way!

Cami- Okay, thank you.

Off the phone:

She placed her phone down and quickly went to get Lili a glass of water.

Once she was back the blonde began drinking but it didn't help.

Nothing helped.

She just needed Cole.

After a few minutes he finally arrived and ran to her, scooping her up into his arms before kissing her cheek softly while keeping her head on his chest so she could listen to her breathing.

The whole time Cami and Madelaine watched them quietly, not knowing what to say...but then Lili was asleep in his arms.

Madelaine- Damn, you're good. (giggles)

Cole- I try. (chuckles)

Cami- are together?

Cole- We are, but no one knows.

Cami- Lili told me she was over you, jeez, she's a liar.

Cole- (chuckles) We wanted to keep our relationship to ourselves for a bit...but now you guys know so...

Madelaine- Wait, how long have you been together?

Cole- Since Comic Con.

Cami- Oh my god, so she did go for it!

Cole- Well, we were sharing a room and we both liked each other, so it was bound to happen. (chuckles)

Cami- Oh yeah. (giggles)

Cole- Well thank you guys for taking care of her until I got here...but I think I'm just going to take her back home with me.

Madelaine- Yeah, that's probably a good idea. See you guys tomorrow?

Cole- Yeah.

Cole left with Lili in his arms bringing her all the way back to his apartment, but the whole time he just looked at her in awe.

He was addicted to her.

And he couldn't believe that she was his,


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