Their love never ends

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The Riverdale cast was in the middle of filming season five, and everyone was doing an amazing job.

Lili and Cole were no longer together because they were having some issues while filming the first few episodes of the season, but they still worked so well together.

Mainly because their chemistry was still there.

It was obvious that they were still head over heels in love with each other but neither of them wanted to admit it, or else they'd still be a couple.

But now they were filming episode 12.

Lili was changing into her costume which was a tight black shirt with skinny jeans that hugged her curves perfectly.

But for some reason as she was putting on her pants, she couldn't get them buttoned.

She looked up at the mirror and saw that her shirt was also higher up than it should've been.

She sighed and took off the clothes, allowing her to just stand in her bra and underwear while looking at the mirror.

She noticed that her boobs looked a lot bigger and her stomach had been growing a bit.

Lili- S-Shit, I need to lose weight. (tears)

She put her sweatshirt and sweatpants back on, wanting to be comfortable before making her way to Mädchen's trailer...she was the only person she wanted to talk to about this sort of issue.

As soon as she walked in Mädchen smiled, but when she saw Lili's tear stained cheeks her smile fell and she ran to hug the young girl.

Mädchen- Lil's what's wrong sweetheart?

Lili- I don't fit into my costume. I've been eating too much food lately and my stomach has clearly gotten boobs too. (tears)

Mädchen- Hon, you're allowed to gain weight, everyone does. But haven't you been a little sick lately?

Lili- Yeah, but only in the mornings.

Mädchen looked into her eyes and sighed before taking her hands.

Mädchen- there a possibility that you're pregnant?

Lili- What?! No! That's impossible!

Mädchen- Are you sure?

Lili nodded hesitantly before Mädchen smiled softly and began to caress her hands.

Mädchen- Do you want to take a test?

Lili nodded once again and followed her into the bathroom where she had had a box of pregnancy tests stored under the sink.

Mädchen- I'll be right outside if you need anything, okay?

Lili- (nods) Thank you. (softly)

Mädchen gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before walking out of the bathroom, then Lili took the test.

She waited for a few minutes, looking at her stomach in the mirror the whole time until she finally decided to just see if she was pregnant.

Which, she was.

Instantly as she looked at the two very prominent lines she began to breathe heavily while not taking her eyes off the test, hoping that it was false...but she knew deep down that it wasn't.

Mädchen- Lili...Lil's are you okay?

She walked out of the bathroom with the test in her hand while she was on the verge of tears.

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