Never what we were

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Betty was standing in her daughter's room, packing a few of her things.

It was the first time Rose was going to be staying with Jughead overnight, and Betty was extremely nervous.

The little girl had just turned three and was finally old enough to spend a night away from her mother...but Betty didn't want her to stay with him.

She wanted her daughter to have a good relationship with her father but ever since they separated a year ago, it has gotten harder and harder for Betty to see him.

But those thoughts left her mind when she saw her daughter running to her.

Rose- Mommy, mommy, mommy!

Betty- Hi baby girl. (smiles)

Rose- Bag?

Betty- You're going to see daddy, remember? You're going to stay with him tonight.

Rose- Daddy! (smiles)

Betty smiled and kissed her daughter cheek before zipping up her backpack. Then she stood up.

Betty- Are you ready to go?

The little girl nodded and jumped up and down in excitement.

Betty laughed and grabbed her hand, leading her down the stairs and out to the car.

The drive was quiet since Betty was extremely nervous, but as soon as she arrived at Jughead's place, she felt the tears springing to her eyes.

She sat for a moment before getting out of the car and grabbing her daughter's bag, then she pulled her daughter onto her hip and walked to the front door.

Jughead answered and immediately smiled at his little girl.

Jughead- Rosie! (smiles)

Rose- Dada!!!

She reached out for him and let him take her into his arms. He kissed her cheek over and over, making her giggle, then he turned to look at Betty.

Jughead- Hey...

Betty- Hi... (softly)

Jughead- Thanks for dropping her off.

Betty- O-Of course. (tears)

Betty sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes before handing the small backpack to Jughead.

Betty- Here, this has all of her stuff. There are some extra pairs of underwear and pull-ups, she's pretty much done potty training, but we still have a few accidents here and there. Oh, and-

Jughead- Betty, she's going to be fine. I can take care of my own child.

She let out a shaky breath, but the smile on her daughter's face calmed her down instantly.

Betty- (nods) Call me if she needs anything, p-please. (tears)

She was beginning to walk away but Jughead grabbed her wrist before she could get too far.

Jughead- Betts, she'll be fine, I promise. Rosie, give mommy a hug and a kiss, okay?

He handed the little girl back over to the young mother, making her smile, and for a moment she just held onto her child. But Jughead didn't budge her, because he could tell she needed it.

After a minute she handed Rose back over to Jughead and walked away before he could say anything else.

She got in her car and drove home, but for hours she couldn't stop crying.


~Later that night~

Jughead was about to put Rose to bed, but as he was tucking her under the covers, he heard her sniffle.

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