New Parents pt 1

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Riverdale ended about a year ago, Lili is 27 and Cole is 31.

They both do a little bit of acting here and there but Cole's main job is photography...

But for Lili, all she wanted to do was be a mom. Sadly they haven't had any luck yet so they decided to meet with a social worker; after many months they were allowed to become foster parents.

And finally they were set up with their first child, a 3 year old girl named Ella.


It was around 1 pm on a Sunday afternoon when Ella was about to be dropped off at Lili and Cole's beautiful LA house...but Lili couldn't stop pacing back and forth.

Cole- Lil's, why are you nervous.

Lili- Nervous? I'm not nervous. (quietly)

Cole- Babe, I can tell you are, you're pacing.

Lili sighed and walked over to him before sitting in his lap.

Lili- I hope she likes us.

Cole- I mean who doesn't like us.

Lili- But seriously.

Cole- She will Lil's, I know it.

And just like that there was a knock on their door.

They took each other's hands and walked up before letting the social worker and the young girl into their house.

The young girl smiled when she saw them...but the first thing Lili had noticed was the huge bruise on her arm.

Cole knelt down to her height and took one of her hands, but they could tell she was nervous.

Cole- Hi, you must be Ella, I'm Cole and this is Lili.

The little girl waved, but didn't say a word.

SW- Well, Ella, you have all of your belongings so I'll leave you three to it...and if you guys need anything you can always call.

Lili- Thank you.

SW- No problem.

Then the social worker left the three to themselves.

Cole- So, Ella, what would you like to do?

The little girl shrugged and backed away slightly from the man in front of her.

Lili- Do you want to see your room?

She looked up at the young woman and nodded with a slight smile on her face.

Cole took the little girls bag and they all walked upstairs.

They showed her everything in her room and helped her unpack her stuff then she sat down with some of her toys.

Lili- You want to just play with your toys?

She nodded and played with the few toys that she had.

Then Lili and Cole walked out of the room, standing right outside the door.

Cole- Why isn't she talking?

Lili- I mean, did you see the bruise on her arm? I think she was abused. She's probably too scared to speak.

They looked back at her for a second but then Cole nodded.

They decided to just let her be for most of the day since she wanted to be by herself. But then they gave her some dinner and got her cleaned up.

Then they tucked her in bed with one of her toys.

Lili- We'll see you in the morning, okay?

She nodded and closed her eyes while hugging her doll tight.

Then she was out.

Lili caressed her cheek for a second, but then they left her room and got everything cleaned up around the house.

Then they went to sleep themselves.


But suddenly as Lili and Cole were sleeping peacefully, there were little footsteps and cries coming their way.

Then Ella was right next to Lili.

She tapped her hand, making her wake up quickly, then she looked down at the little girl crying.

Ella- H-Help. (cries)

Lili- Shh, come here sweetie.

Lili picked her up onto the bed and let her sit in her lap.

Lili held her for a few minutes until she finally calmed down, then Cole woke up.

Cole- Hey, what's going on?

Lili- Do you want to tell us sweetie?

Ella- Scary dream.

Lili- You had a scary dream?

The little girl nodded and leaned her head against Lili's chest.

Lili- What was it about?

Ella- Daddy. (tears)

Lili- What did Daddy do?

She pointed to the bruise on her arm and both Lili and Cole felt horrible for the little three year old.

Cole- Why did daddy do that?

Ella- He said mama died because of me. (cries)

Lili- Shh, it's not your fault baby. Don't cry.

Ella- Daddy wants to hurt me. (cries)

Lili- He won't be able to while you're here.

Ella- Promise? (sniffles)

Lili- I promise.

She nodded and snuggled into Lili's chest.

Cole- Do you wanna stay here tonight?

Ella- Yeah. (softly)

Lili and Cole laid back down, allowing Ella to lay in between them.

But she still held onto Lili having felt safe in her arms.

Lili- Do you think you can go back to sleep sweetheart?

She shrugged and leaned closer to Lili.

Ella- Can I call you mama?

Lili- Only if you want to.

Ella- And can I call you dada?

Cole- Yeah.

Ella- I love you mama, I love you dada.

Cole and Lili- We love you too baby.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep, Lili's arms still around her.

Cole- Well, we're parents now.

Lili- Yes we are. (giggles slightly)

Cole- You're the best mommy ever.

Lili- And you're the best daddy. (😏)

He gave her a quick kiss on the head before wrapping his arms around the two girls.

Cole- Get some sleep baby, you need it.

She nodded and fell asleep with her arm on his shoulder while she continued to hold Ella.

And he just smiled at them.

Cole- I love you, always.

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