Thunderstorm of Love

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Betty and Jughead are both 24 and have been dating for 6 years. They didn't meet until they were in college at NYU but as soon as they did, they fell in love.

Now the two of them live in a 3 bedroom house right outside of New York City.

But with the two of them living together, they have been fighting nonstop over the stupidest things.

Betty- Jughead, I told you to take out the trash last night! Now we have to wait another week!

Jughead- Betty, calm down, it's not a big deal.

Betty- Don't tell me to calm down, I asked you to do something and you didn't do it!

Jughead- I forgot, okay? I'm sorry, but I have a lot of things on my mind right now and taking out the trash wasn't one of them.

Betty- What has been on your mind lately other then your fucking video games?! Because you haven't been doing shit!

Jughead- It is not your fucking business!

Betty- Yes it is my business! You are my boyfriend and we live together! So tell me, what's been so important that you couldn't do the one thing that I asked you to do?!

Jughead- You know what?! Forget it, I'm leaving.

Betty- Oh, okay, you're leaving...for what?! The third time this week?!

Jughead- I can't deal with you right now! You're freaking out over the fact that I forgot to take out the trash, it isn't a fucking big deal!

Betty- It may not be a big deal but it was the one fucking thing I asked of you. So if you want to go, then go.

Jughead sighed and looked at his girlfriend who was pacing around the kitchen, cleaning everything up, but then she looked back up at him.

Betty- Are you just going to stand there?

Jughead- Jesus christ, just shut up for one goddamn second! (yells)

Jughead ran his fingers through his hair before storming upstairs. Betty groaned and leaned against the counter, not knowing what to do, but then she heard her boyfriend come back down the stairs and walk over to their front door. She sighed and walked over to see him putting on his shoes, but then she saw his duffle bag on the floor next to him, making her nervous.

Betty- W-Why do you need a bag?

Jughead- I told you, I'm leaving.

Betty- Y-Yeah, but you never leave for a whole night. You usually just need a few hours to-

Jughead- Not this time, okay? I need space.

He stood up and looked at her to see the nervousness in her eyes, but he needed to get out, so he opened the door.

Jughead- I'll text you.

Betty nodded and watched as he left, but as soon as he was gone she couldn't help but cry. For some reason it feel different that time...but she knew he just needed some space.


~A week later~

Betty hadn't heard from Jughead in a week, he said he would text her, but he hadn't. And everytime she did, he left her on read.

But tonight, she was scared.

It was supposed to storm.

Most people her age shouldn't be afraid of thunderstorms, but she has a legitimate reason to be scared. When she was 16, she was in the car with her parents and sister during a thunderstorm.

They were driving from the beach back to their house, but there was a downpour and no one could see. One of the other cars on the road ran a red light and hit them, knocking them off the road and into a ditch.

Betty survived, no one else did.

Since then she has been deathly afraid of storms. And ever since she met Jughead, he had been there with her through every storm...but tonight he wasn't home.

As the first strike of lightning hit, with thunder following, Betty whimpered and wrapped the throw blanket that she was holding, tighter around her body.

The rain began to pick up quickly with the wind beginning to howl and blow all of the leaves off of the trees. Then the next bolt of lightning struck, with the sound of the thunder following not even a second later. It was so loud the entire house shook, causing Betty to cry as she ran up to her bedroom.

She jumped into bed and crawled under the duvet, pulling it over her head.

The lightning and thunder continued to grow louder and stronger, making Betty cry more and more.

As the next bolt of lightning struck, with thunder following shortly after, she whimpered and cried out loudly as she grabbed onto Jughead's pillow and began to cry into it.

Then after a moment she felt his strong arms wrap around her body.

Jughead- Shh, I'm here, baby, I'm here.

Betty- (sobs) Juggie, I'm scared.

Jughead- I know my love, I know, but you're okay. I promise. (softly)

The lightning and thunder stuck again, making Betty jump up and wrap her arms around her boyfriend tightly.

Jughead- I've got you, I've got you. (softly)

He kissed her head as he kept his arms wrapped tight around her torso.

Betty held onto Jughead until the storm had finally come to a stop. Then she pulled away from him and stood up from their bed.

Betty- Thank you. (softly)

Jughead- Of course.

Betty- A-Are you leaving again. (softly)

Jughead- Do you want me to?

Betty shook her head as tears came to her eyes.

Jughead stood up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms back around her as she began to speak.

Betty- I didn't think you were going to come back. (cries)

Jughead- I wasn't going to leave you here alone during a storm, baby. I couldn't do that to you.

Betty- (nods) I'm sorry we've been fighting, it's all been stupid shit...I love you, I don't want you to leave me ever again, please. (cries)

Jughead- Betts, I'm not leaving you. Especially not over the fucking trash. I love you so much, I'm sorry I left in the first place. Now, why don't we go take a hot shower and then we can snuggle up in bed and watch a movie.

Betty looked up at her boyfriend and nodded while she wiped her tears away.

The two of them went into the bathroom to take a nice, hot shower before getting all dry and comfy in their pajamas. Then as soon as they got into bed Jughead wrapped his arms around Betty, pulling her closer to him.

But suddenly, as they were about to turn on the TV, a sudden bolt of lightning struck with the thunder shaking the house, knocking the power out.

Betty- (whimpers) J-Jug...

Jughead- I'm here, baby, I've got you.

And he did.

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