Gone too soon

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Jughead had recently died in a car, leaving Betty pregnant while she also takes care of their twins: Adalyn and Ava.

Jb had been staying with them since Jughead had died because FP moved away wanting to leave Riverdale...he needed to forget the loss of his son.

Jb wanted to go with him but she decided to stay to finish highschool...now she's just living with her nieces and sister-in-law.

But she hadn't talked to any of them since the accident...she couldn't, it hurt her too much.

The four of them were sitting at the dinner table silently while eating chinese take out when suddenly someone had knocked on the door.

Jb- I got it.

Betty- You sure?

She didn't respond back, she just got up and opened the door to see Veronica.

Veronica- Jb, hi...can I come in?

Jb- I guess. (softly)

Jb stepped aside and let the girl in, instantly she ran over to the blonde and hugged her tightly knowing how hard everything had been for her...but as Jb saw, she scoffed and walked into the living room turning on the TV.

Veronica- Jeez, what has gotten into her? You guys were so close!

Betty- Yeah, I know..Jughead being gone has just been hard for everyone. (whispers)

Veronica nodded and offered to wash the dishes while she put the twins in bed, which she was so thankful for.

Then she took her four year olds upstairs.

She got them cleaned up in pyjamas before tucking them into their beds. She was about to leave but she heard a little whimper making her turn around.

Betty- Addy...what's wrong baby?

Addy- I miss daddy. (cries)

Ava- Me too. (cries)

Now they were both crying.

Betty did her best not to let her sadness take over her, but she couldn't stop the few tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

Then she went and sat with her daughters.

Betty- Ava, come here.

Betty sat on the edge of Adalyn's bed, pulling Ava into her lap as soon as she had come over to her...then she just talked to them.

Betty- I miss him too. I know it's hard right now but it will get better soon. We just have to remember that daddy is in the stars now, looking down at us, and he loves us very much.

They both nodded and hugged their mother tightly before she tucked them back into bed...but this time they were both in Adalyn's bed.

They liked to sleep together when they were sad or scared, which Betty didn't mind at all.

Betty- Alright, I'll see you in the morning my loves.

Adalyn- Night night mommy.

Ava- Goodnight mommy.

Betty- Goodnight.

She gave them each one last kiss on the head before turning off the lights and walking out.

But now the tears flowed down her cheeks.

She quickly calmed herself down and wiped the tears away before walking back down to Veronica who was sitting, waiting for her patiently.

Betty- Hey.

Veronica- Hey...you okay? I heard them crying.

Betty- (nods) They just miss Jug.

Jb- Yeah no shit, you killed their dad. (quietly)

Jb had only walked in to put her bowl in the sink, but as she heard the conversation she couldn't help but intervene.

Betty- Excuse me?

Jb- You heard what I said.

Betty- (scoffs) I did not kill my husband. Why would you even think that?

Jb- You haven't cared one bit since he died! God, you didn't even cry at his funeral!

Betty- Well I'm sorry I'm trying to be strong for my two four year olds that miss their father like hell!

Jb- Being strong is different from not caring, Betty!

Veronica- Jb, stop.

Jb- What, Veronica, I'm just speaking the truth. She doesn't care.

Veronica- Jb-

Betty- And you do?

Jb- I lost my brother!

Betty- AND I LOST MY HUSBAND, AND THE FATHER OF MY CHILDREN. So I'm sorry if I haven't been able to cry because I can't...I don't get to. So go ahead and tell me that I don't care. Tell me that I killed him. Because every night at three in the morning before I go to sleep I lay in bed crying thinking about how I wish he was next to me, thinking about how he died trying to save me. (sobs)

Jb- W-What do you mean? (tears)

Betty- W-We saw the car coming at us, but before I could do anything he jumped in front of me so that I would survive...so that our baby would survive. He killed himself for us, and I had to just sit there and watch. (sobs)

Jb- Betty I-

Betty- Don't! (sobs)

She placed her hand on her stomach and ran up to her room leaving Veronica and Jb standing there silently.

Jb- I didn't know. (softly)

Veronica- I didn't either, but Jb, you can't say things like that to her, you will break her. I know you haven't known her forever and neither have I, but I have been her best friend long enough to know when she's not okay. And I get that you lost your brother and you miss him like hell, I lost one of my closest friends and I miss him too. But Betty lost her husband and her children's father. And on top of that she's pregnant, which makes it ten times harder. Losing someone you love is terrible, it is one of the worst feelings ever. But Jughead was one of the last people she had. Her dad is dead, her mom left her when she got pregnant, her sister has been gone for years...now she only has her few friends and her kids. She lost the only person that was never supposed to leave her, don't make her feel worse about it.

Then Veronica left...she knew Betty needed some time to herself.

And Jb knew too, but she just needed to apologize.

She went up to her room and stood outside the door for a moment before knocking quietly, she didn't get an answer but she walked in anyway needing to talk to Betty.

Betty- What? What else do you want to say? (sniffles)

Jb- I'm sorry. I was just thinking about myself and that was wrong, I should've been thinking about how hard this must be for you too. I was being so selfish and everything I said was mean and wrong, I just- I'm really sorry.

Betty- It's okay, you're still a teenager, you say things before thinking sometimes...come here.

Jb smiled and ran over to Betty, hugging her tightly before sitting next to her.

Then the two of them just talked about jughead for a while.

They laughed and they cried, but in the end they knew they would be okay because they were family and they would always be.

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