Everything they ever wished for pt 3

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Lili and Cole had pushed back production on Riverdale by lying and saying that they had Covid, when in reality they had had a daughter that NOBODY knew about.

But now it was a few days after Isabella was born and they were being released from the hospital.

The two of them put their tiny baby in her car seat before signing out and getting in their car.

Lili sat right next to their daughter in the back seat, holding her hand the whole time, while Cole drove them back to Lili's apartment. And as soon as they arrived, Cole helped get Lili and their baby upstairs, but Lili seemed to be pulling away from Cole.

She went to her bedroom with her daughter and closed the door, clearly wanting to be away from him, but he didn't leave, he just stayed out in the living room and cleaned everything up.

But a few minutes later, when he heard Lili start crying, he ran into her bedroom.

She was laying in her bed with her daughter on her chest, but Lili was struggling to breath.

Cole- Lili, calm down, you're okay.

He sat down next to her and brought Isabella into his arms before placing his hand on Lili's cheek and wrapping his arms around her.

Cole- Honey, just calm down, you're okay. We're right here.

Lili- Everyone's gonna hate me. (sobs)

Cole- What? What are you talking about?

Lili- Cami and Mads and Kage and- (sobs)

Cole- What are they going to hate you for? Isabella?

She nodded and shut her eyes while turning her head into his chest, then he kissed her head.

Cole- Lil's, no one is going to hate you. And if you want, when you're ready, I can explain everything to them. But don't be upset, sweetie. We have a beautiful, healthy little girl and we are going to take care of her together for the next 18 years.

Lili- You're going to help me? (tears)

Cole- Of course I am, I'm not letting do this alone.

Then Isabella opened her eyes and started crying while reaching for Lili.

Cole- Looks like our perfect baby is hungry. (chuckles)

Lili smiled and took her from Cole's arms before lifting her shirt and pulling her bra off. Then she started feeding her daughter.

Cole laid his head in Lili's lap looking up at their daughter, but mostly looking at Lili's boobs. And Lili knew what he was doing.

Lili- Cole, you can stop staring. (giggles)

Cole- Never, you look so hot, mama.

She blushed and covered her face with one hand while she held her daughter in the other.

Isabella fed for about 30 minutes before falling asleep, then Cole and Lili laid in her bed together.

Lili grew quiet again and Cole could tell that she was contemplating something, but he didn't know what.

Cole- What are you thinking about?

She stayed quiet for a few more minutes while just watching her daughter sleep in her arms, but then she looked up at him.

Lili- H-How are we going to do this?

Cole- I don't know, but we'll figure it out.

Lili- But we're not together, and we don't live together, how is this going to work.

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