Be with her

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Lili had just finished filming her scene at the Cooper house with Mädchen and the Twins, Bentley, the young boy who plays Dagwood, was picked up by his parents while Alix, the girl who plays Juniper, sat and waited outside of the set.

Lili had a little bit of time before her next scene so she decided to sit with the young nine year old until her parents were to arrive, but they never came.

Lili- Alix, I have to go film another scene, do you want to just come with me? I don't want to leave you here alone.

Alix- Sure. (quietly)

Lili reached her hand out for the little girl and she gladly took it, then they walked together to her next filming location.

But as they arrived, Roberto was confused to see Alix with Lili.

Roberto- Alix, what are you still doing here? Aren't you supposed to be home?

Alix- My mom and dad aren't here yet.

Roberto- Let me call them quickly.

The little girl nodded as Roberto walked away but after a few minutes he walked back in with a worried look on his face.

Roberto- Lili, can I talk to you for a moment?

Lili- Yeah.

Lili stood up and walked outside with the man and he instantly let out a deep sigh.

Lili- What's wrong?

Roberto- Alix's parents were in a car accident, they're in the hospital.

Lili- Oh my god... (quietly)

Roberto- The doctor answered Michelle's phone...he said it's not looking so good. I gave them my contact information so they can update me on what happens, but do you think you and Cole can take Alix for the night? She seems pretty comfortable with you.

Lili- Y-Yeah of course.

Roberto- I think Cole is in his trailer since he's done for the day but you both can go, we can hold off on the rest of your scenes.

Lili- Are you sure?

Roberto- Yeah.

Lili- Thank you.

He nodded and she walked back in to get Alix who was already half asleep.

It was 9 o'clock so the little girl was getting tired.

Lili- Hey hon, I know your parents aren't here right now but it's late, would it be okay if you stayed with Cole and I for the night?

She nodded sleepily so Lili picked her up gently and began walking towards the trailers, but by the time she got to Cole's, Alix was already asleep in her arms.

Cole- Hey babe...what are you doing with Alix?

Lili- We're taking her home with us for the night...her parents were in a car accident and are in the hospital right now.

Cole- Shit...does she know?

Lili- No, let's not tell her yet, let's just get her in bed.

Cole- (nods) What about your other scenes?

Lili- Roberto is cancelling them for now, he wants us to get her home.

Cole- Alright, let's go.

They all went to the car and Lili carefully placed Alix in the back, doing her best not to wake her.

Luckily she stayed asleep the whole way back to their place, then they got her in bed.

Lili tucked her under the covers and brushed her hair out of her face before kissing her head softly.

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